Touring the Buzz Conversation pane
The Buzz Conversation pane is Domo's instant messaging service for real-time digital collaboration. It is where we interact with others through threaded conversations. Figure 13.13 highlights the primary features:

Figure 13.13 – Buzz Conversation pane features
The following are descriptions of the Buzz Conversation pane features:
- Back goes back to the Buzz Navigation pane.
- Unread indicates the number of new messages in the conversation.
- Conversation Type indicates the type of conversation (see Figure 13.12 for details).
- Detail opens the Conversation Detail pane.
- Thread Pane opens the pane showing the top level of the threads in the conversation.
- Topic is the title of the conversation.
- Favorite adds the conversation to the FAVORITES list in the Navigation pane.
- Sender Profile is the personal profile image of the message sender. Clicking on the picture brings up additional...