A production environment is consolidated with different components, hardware such as CPU/memory, and operating systems. PostgreSQL is installed to communicate with other components of the production environment. Please bear in mind that if the production environment is not properly configured, the overall performance will be degraded.
Some PostgreSQL queries can run faster or slower depending on the configuration that has been set. The goal of database performance benchmarking is to achieve the largest possible throughput. The key performance factors that affect a database are the workload, resources, optimization, and contention. The workload includes batch jobs, dynamic queries for online transactions, and data analytics queries that are used to generate reports. The workload will be different according to the period of each day, week, or month, and it also depends on the applications. The optimization of every database is unique: it can be a database-level configuration or query-level optimization. Contention refers to the conflict condition because two or more components of the workload could attempt to use a single resource at the same time. If contention increases, the throughput will decrease.