Quantum algorithm portfolio management implementation
Quantum annealers
Quantum annealers are specialized machines capable of finding the minimum energy solution to a given problem, following the adiabatic principle. We talked about some of these machines in Chapter 2, but we will now cover in detail how they can be used to solve a problem such as portfolio optimization.
Quantum annealers require a target problem, set in its matrix form, to place variables as a mask. In our portfolio example, solutions will be encoded as binary decisions if the asset n will be included in our final portfolio. Therefore, our problem matrix should reflect the effect of including an asset or not in a solution.
For this, often in the literature, it is found that problems need to be placed on their QUBO (or Ising) form. QUBO stands for Quadratic Unconstrained Binary Optimization, which means binary variables are considered (0 or 1), only two-way multiplications are represented (X i ×...