Now, let's get back to the main workflow, Main.xaml, and continue from where we left off:
- Add an Invoke Workflow File activity, right after the log message that we had added within the main sequence's Try block. Within the Invoke activity, set the workflow filename to ReadConfig.xaml.
- To read in the arguments, we'll need to add a couple of variables. Create a new variable called Config of the Dictionary type (Dictionary<String, Object>) and set the scope to a Try-Catch block.
- Add three more variables to store the config file values: strInputFolder, strOutputFolder, and strGoogleAuthName. All these variables are of the String type and the Sequence scope.
- Click on Import Arguments within the activity and map the newly created variable to the output argument values, as shown in the following screenshot:
- Next, let's use three Assign activities to store the outputs...