In this chapter, we delved into two major design approaches in DDD. We covered the fundamental concepts of strategic design to get the bigger picture of the domain while providing a real-life example. Here, we covered concepts such as ubiquitous language, subdomains, bounded contexts, and context mapping.
Afterward, we explored tactical design by using a bounded context from the strategic design example. We showcased how to identify aggregates, entities, value objects, domain services, repositories, and domain events.
We also covered three popular modeling activities in DDD and discussed their agendas: the domain expert interview, event storming, and domain storytelling.
At this point, you should be able to plan and design an architecture with the DDD approach, using at least one of the modeling activities outlined.
In the next chapter, we’re going to deep dive into some of the architectural patterns based on DDD, namely Command and Query Responsibility Segregation...