Breaking the problem down into features
We understand the business domain and roughly what type of problems we’re likely to encounter, so how can we break this down into features? From the previous chapters, we have an idea of how to do this, but the main difference is that instead of just creating a basket page, for example, that looks like it works, this should work. We can therefore break down a basket page, for example, into the following features:
- Read the basket information from the data source.
- Render the basket information.
- Add the item to the basket.
- Adjust the selected number of items for a specific item in the basket.
- Remove an item from the basket.
- Support checking out a basket, taking the user to an order page where they will be asked for purchase information and a delivery page.
An e-commerce site consists of many different pages. It’s therefore recommended to do a similar feature breakdown for each page...