Using sockets
At a somewhat lower level in the OSI model than HTTP clients and servers, we find sockets. They also enable interprocess communications across a network between clients and servers and are implemented on top of the TCP/IP. The classes that offer that functionality can be again found in dart:io
as follows:
: This is used by a client to establish a connection to a serverServerSocket
: This is used by a server to accept client connections
How to do it...
The following steps will show you how to make a server socket work:
The following is the code for the server (see the project
):import 'dart:io'; import 'dart:convert'; InternetAddress HOST = InternetAddress.LOOPBACK_IP_V6; const PORT = 7654; void main() { ServerSocket.bind(HOST, PORT) .then((ServerSocket srv) { print('serversocket is ready'); srv.listen(handleClient); }) .catchError(print); ); } void handleClient(Socket client){ print('Connection from: ' '${client...