When Vue CLI 3 came out, Evan You, the maker of Vue, listed these objectives for it:
- Avoid toolchain fatigue for frontend development by simplifying the setup
- Follow best practices in tooling
- Make these best practices the default in Vue apps
Besides these great objectives, Vue CLI came with a number of updates, such as the following:
- Preset webpack configuration
- ES2017 and Babel 7 support out of the box
- Excellent CSS support, including Sassy CSS (SCSS) and PostCSS support
- A number of integration options (TypeScript, PWA, web components, end-to-end testing, Jest, and so on)
That is a lot of functionality. The aim of this book is to go through all of the options and get you familiar with their inner workings.
Now, to wrap this chapter up, let's see how easy it is to set up a default app using the default options.