-Learn all you need to know about C# and .NET-Create and deploy cross-platform and cross-device applications that work seamlessly-Learn to work with C# and .NET along with a cloud architecture-Package and deploy .NET applications
.NET has been reinventing the fundamentals of modern web programming ever since it was unveiled 17 years ago. With an innovative powerhouse in Microsoft backing, .NET has seen a multitude of transformations and improvements over the years to become the web development framework of choice for thousands of enterprise applications worldwide. Now that the .NET Core framework has been open-sourced, it is only expected to improve further to become more powerful, capable, and reliable than ever. The course will initially begin with familiarizing you to the diffrent .NET technologies and Visual Studio 2017. Beginning from the basic concepts of declaring and working with variables, we move on to writing code that makes decisions, repeats a block of statements, converts between types, and handles errors. You will also learn about .NET Core and its class library assemblies, and packages of types that are defied in .NET Standard that allow your applications to connect existing components together to perform common practical tasks. You will then learn to make your own types using object-oriented programming (OOP) and learn how to read and write to databases. You will then see what can be achieved with Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) when defiing the user interface for a graphical app, in particular, for Universal Windows Platform (UWP). Finally, we look at building web applications with a modern HTTP architecture on the server side using Microsof ASP.NET Core MVC.
It is imperative that a prospective student is well acquainted with basic programming principles. It is advised that one possess a basic idea of the .NET stack before commencing with this course.
-Make use of the latest features of C# and .NET, and understand core C# concepts-Learn how .NET works-Build mobile and desktop applications that work across a variety of operating systems -Learn to use LINQ-Write reactive C# code-Secure your applications using a variety of strategies-Create microservices and use Azure and AWS for serverless computing with C#