On a quiet day
It's a nice day today, you get into your 6th-floor office at Hippalus, Wholesaler Inc, grab a coffee, and sit down at your desk. Suddenly, an email pops in your inbox: Urgent - profits drop. As soon as the meaning of those three words is clear to you, you realize that everybody in the office has received the same email and they are starting to chat about it, there will be a meeting with the head of the office in 15 minutes. When you get into the meeting room, still missing the coffee you left at your desk, a big chart is projected on the wall:

OK, you have just read Chapter 2, A First Primer on Data Mining - Analysing Your Banking Account Data so you know it is a line chart, and that we are looking at a time series, but no title is included so we can just observe the incredible drop at the end of the series. Whoa, those are our quarterly cash flows, says the astonished colleague sitting next to you.
How did we get that low?, replies back the one sitting on your other side. This...