Why do we need solutions?
If you’re familiar with X++, or also .NET development, you may know the concept of a solution or project (see Figure 11.1):

Figure 11.1 – Visual Studio X++ solution and project
In X++, we use Visual Studio projects to group objects that we create. We customize existing objects in the system or create new functionalities. Likewise, in Power Platform, we can use solutions (see Figure 11.2):

Figure 11.2 – Power Platform solution
In solutions, which you can access in the maker portal, we can group components (such as apps, flows, or tables) that we create in Dataverse. We will later use these solutions to move changes between environments.
Let’s start with learning what ALM is, why it is important, and what it has to do with solutions!
ALM, which stands for application lifecycle management, is the life-cycle management of applications. I know – I just used...