Quantum teleportation
Quantum teleportation is a truly fascinating phenomenon that happens in quantum computing and by the help of which we are able to transfer a quantum state from one place to another without having to traverse the space in between. For quantum teleportation, we consider two communicating parties, Alice and Bob. Alice sends a qubit to Bob to communicate a message. This is the essence of quantum teleportation.
Let's take a look at the Silq code for teleportation to gain a better understanding of the process:
def main() { return Teleportation(); } def Teleportation(){ // Initialize Qubits - 'a' qubit is to be teleported by Alice // to Bob a:=0:; b:=0:
; c:=0:
; // Alice's Operations // Creating the Bell State b:=H(b); if b{ c := X(c); } // Alice applies CX and H to 'a&apos...