Styling maps
Now that we have a function to generate the map and an easy way to preview them, we will experiment with the style options:
First, lets produce a bigger map so we can better see the changes. Edit the
if __name__ == '__main__':
block at the end of
file, changing thesize
argument of thecreate_map
function call:if __name__ == '__main__': map_image = '../output/world3.png' create_map('../../data/world_borders_simple.shp', 'map_style.xml',map_image, size=(1024, 500)) display_map(map_image)
Map style
The map is the canvas for the drawing; it is possible to change the background color or the background image, the coordinate reference system, and a few other options.
Let's try changing the background:
In the file
edit the map tag to change the background color. You can use a hexadecimal value, a color name, or an RGB combination. Try this as an example:<Map background-color="#f8be78">
Run the code and see the changes.