Setting up the character
The last part of the puzzle is to make sure we have a reference of the skeletal mesh attached to the character. It’s crucial to add the character as a skeletal mesh so we can easily see its spawning position later. In this case, we have properly placed the character mesh so that it is pointing in the right direction. Let’s go ahead and add the Mixamo character to the character mesh.
Select your Mesh component from the Components window in the left top corner. Then navigate to the Mesh tab on the right-hand side, search for the BizMale
skeletal mesh, and select it.

Figure 9.34 – Select the Mesh (CharacterMesh0) component and assign the BizMale skeletal mesh to the Skeletal Mesh Asset
In the Viewport window, you may have noticed that the character is a little bit offset, and it needs some attention. We have to make sure that the characters will be pointing in the direction of the blue arrow reference that...