Nanoservices architecture, as the name suggests, takes the principles of microservices and makes them even more fine-grained. Microservices focus on breaking down monolithic applications into small, independent, and loosely coupled services, with one service for one business capability. Nanoservices take this concept even further by decomposing the system into extremely fine-grained, single-purpose components.
Nanoservices are designed to handle highly specific, autonomous, independent, and atomic functionalities. A nanoservice is often responsible for a single task or a tiny piece of logic within the overall system. Each nanoservice has a deployable artifact and can be deployed independently. Some of these nanoservices, when combined, can be seen as microservices.
Using the previous example regarding microservices, the household service can be broken down into several nanoservices:
- Get a Household record by name.
- Create or update a Household record. ...