84.14 Enabling Google Play Signing for an Existing App
To enable Google Play Signing for an app already registered within the Google Play console, begin by selecting that app from the list of apps in the console dashboard. Once selected, click on the App signing link in the left-hand navigation panel as shown in Figure 84-18:
Figure 84-18
The first step is to click on the button to download the PEPK Tool (A) which will be used to encrypt the app signing key for the project. Once downloaded, copy it to the directory containing your existing keystore file and run the following command where (<your app signing key file> and <your alias> are replaced by the name of your keystore file and the corresponding alias key respectively):
java -jar pepk.jar --keystore=<your app signing key file> --alias=<your alias> --output=encrypted_private_key_path --encryptionkey=<your app signing key>
Enter the keystore and key passwords when prompted, then check...