Vega is a data visualization library that provides a Julia wrapper around the Vega Visualization Grammar from Trifacta. It was created and developed by Randy Zwitch as an open source project.
Installing Vega is pretty simple to do, as listed in the METADATA.jl:
julia> Pkg.add("Vega") julia> using Vega
However, Vega requires an internet connection to render all graphs because it does not store local copies of the JavaScript libraries. However, efforts are made to actually include all the JavaScript libraries as part of the package so that it does not require any internet connection in the future.
Vega provides a series of composite types, which are literally just the translation of Vega grammar in Julia. They help the end user to build visualizations in native Julia syntax. The following are all the primitives defined in Julia:
- VegaVisualization
- VegaData...