Drilling across with document chaining
One of the basics of dimensional modeling is the ability to drill between models to answer questions. There are a few situations in QlikView that make this an important consideration, for example:
- We might have multiple data models, with some shared dimensions, that might be difficult technically, or even excluded by license, to associate within one QlikView document.
- Most analysis for most users can be performed on an aggregated, low-memory-footprint data model, but for some users on some occasions, they need to drill down to a lower level of detail.
- In some situations, the number of applications is not a consideration, and we create multiple applications within different business areas but want users to have some options to link between them.
QlikView handles this quite well with the document chaining function. As with any other system where you need to drill across, the ability to do so is entirely dependent on the use of conformed dimensions.
To enable...