The role of a software architect
It may seem obvious that a software architect (the architect) is someone who creates software architecture. However, software architecture is the result of multi-dimensional thought processes that involve a lot of people. There is no single architect who would produce architecture alone and require no input from others.
It is important to point out that, although a software architect can be a job title in some organizations, the role of a software architect is not restricted to only someone who has the title.
Interface between engineers and stakeholders
Software architects align and translate the language used by engineers and non-technical people (the stakeholders). They facilitate communication using documentation and diagrams to illustrate key topics in the software system for discussion. There are variations in how the interface works between engineers and different stakeholders with the facilitation of software architects. We are going to explore these variations now.
Engineers and product managers
Software architects translate product requirements into technical designs. Engineers can do the same, but software architects apply a broader view in the sense of how certain implementations may impact system quality attributes. Software architects do not dictate the choice of implementation; however, they define non-functional requirements that predict system quality attributes. The non-functional requirements provide directions and constraints on the implementation.
In the example given previously, if a software architect were involved in the technical design process, they could have required the records of the exchange of service between neighbors to be replicated in both software copies and thus could have avoided the dispute of inconsistent records.
Software architects also take part in translating technical constraints, bugs, and implementations into information that product managers can digest and engage in. Software architects provide an abstract view of the code implementation to facilitate communication with product managers.
Imagine there is a new framework that facilitates two software copies to synchronize records of service exchange between neighbors, which permanently solves the dispute problem. Software architects can document this new approach and abstract the interaction to provide a foundation to discuss with product managers how this improves user experience.
Engineers and delivery managers
There is often tension when it comes to engineers developing features and delivery managers managing the timeline for when those features can be released. It is common for engineers to not deliver the full features in time. Software architects can facilitate the discussion of how the features may be delivered in phases and still be operational. In each phase, software architects determine the impact on system quality attributes and how users can operate in the meantime.
This is just an example of how software architects are involved when full features will not be available in time.
Regulators and compliance
Software systems, particularly in regulated industries, must address compliance concerns. The range is wide, and it may include the processing of personal data, auditing of persisted data, or complying with regulatory procedures.
Software architects are not only involved in designing an architecture that complies with regulations but also in illustrating how it was implemented. Regulatory bodies will examine technical documents, including architecture diagrams, as part of their due diligence process.
Security professionals
People who specialize in the fields of information security or cybersecurity work with software architects in multiple areas.
They provide security requirements in line with security policies, procedures, and guidelines. The requirements might include authentication, access control, and even the choice of encryption algorithms.
Software architects work with security analysts to perform threat modeling and risk assessment. They analyze the system architecture, identify vulnerabilities and risks, and discover potential attacks. The likeliness and impact of threats drive architectural choices.
Software architects may also work with penetration testers or ethical hackers to discover security holes and potential fixes.
Security architects collaborate with software architects to identify and choose the approach to address identified risks and meet security requirements.
Stakeholders usually come from multiple departments of the organization, and they are likely to have different requirements and priorities for how the system is required to work. Software architects can navigate these tangled requirements and ensure that the system can fulfill these requirements in an agreed priority order.
Software architects also play the part of extracting common terms from multiple domain experts and stakeholders so the terms can be used in the architecture documents in a clear and unambiguous manner.
Balancing appropriate architecture and budget
While some software architects might be keen on having the most state-of-the-art technology and the latest and the fastest, realistically, they are more balanced with the budget the organization can afford.
Financial constraints on technology choice do not necessarily result in bad architecture; on the contrary, they encourage software architects to find more cost-effective ways to solve problems, and they could lead to a leaner and simpler architecture. If two architectures can address an identical set of concerns, the simpler and cheaper one is always better.
The decision of whether to buy or build is often affected by multiple factors, and the technical factor is only one of them. Although software architects may not have the power to decide which way to go, they provide technical and operational analysis so the organization can make an informed choice.
When the organization cannot afford the most technically sound system or service, software architects are there to bring out compromise, trade-offs, and impact analysis for the “second-class solution.” It may seem not ideal initially, but software architects can design the system in a way that leaves room for enhancement and expansion in the future.
Vision and roadmap to technical evolution
Legacy systems are outdated software systems that are still in use by the organization. They are legacy because their technology has very little room for improvement, and it is likely at least a few years backward.
There are systems that became legacy due to external factors such as discontinued technology support and severe limitations. And there are no feasible or cost-effective ways to evolve.
Legacy systems can also be the result of the lack of technical vision and roadmaps, in which software architects are heavily involved. Some small start-ups may not have someone taking the role of software architect, or there is no one championing software architecture continuously. These can all be reasons for systems to become legacy.
However, software architects can still jump in at any point to modernize the current architecture. They start by understanding what the current system does and what the organization really needs. Then, they decompose the system into autonomous parts, modernize them individually, and recombine them in a separate way so the whole technical ecosystem can be up to date again.
Usually, a technical vision includes inspiration in achieving a software architecture that manifests certain system quality attributes, such as highly available and scalable systems. While a technical roadmap includes small steps to achieve short- to medium-term goals, and some more dramatic changes to long-term goals, it requires meticulous planning and thought toward how the system evolves. Also, the technical roadmap must interact with the external technological evolution to pivot and adapt to a better alternative.
Cross-cutting concerns in a technical ecosystem
Cross-cutting concerns are typically the concerns that require multiple software components to work together to derive the desired outcome.
One example can be standardizing logging messages so they can facilitate cross-service log searches.
Engineers are often divided into teams and each team looks after a certain area of business. They do not necessarily have the bandwidth to ensure that services in other teams conform to the same convention to achieve cross-cutting outcomes.
Software architects engage these cross-cutting concerns in a holistic manner. They consult, engage, and discuss with multiple teams to form a consensus or convention so cross-cutting concerns can be addressed.
Software architects also drive common infrastructures, frameworks, and tooling to address these cross-cutting concerns. These concerns are closely related to the system quality attributes.
Let us say there are multiple services that need to communicate with each other, and REST endpoints are chosen to be the way of communication. However, without establishing standards among teams, the system quickly falls into a collection of inconsistent APIs. The URI resource hierarchy can be inconsistent, as can the error response payload. All these impact the maintainability and reusability of the system.
Software architects can be involved in understanding each team’s requirements and their concerns about using REST endpoints. Then, a guideline of REST endpoints can be created so that there is a pattern that engineers align with. A typical example would be to define a general payload structure for error responses to contain information in addition to the HTTP response status:
{ "resource": "/users/32039/address/0", "shortMessage": "first line of address must be present", "longMessage": "A valid address must contain the first line", "details": { "addressLine1": null, "city": "London", "postCode": "EC12 10ED", } }
This sample payload represents an error of an address input; it contains general fields such as resource
, shortMessage
, and longMessage
that every service can conform to, while also having a details
section to be customized by each service.
By having this standard, we can achieve overall observability of these errors and persist them in a universal format for audit purposes. Engineers can reuse this structure to reduce the time needed to develop a new REST endpoint. Engineers will also find it easier to maintain a REST endpoint even if it was developed by other engineers.
In a sense, standardizing the REST error payload has addressed the cross-cutting concerns of observability, auditability, maintainability, and reusability in the whole technical ecosystem.