Chapter #61. Avoid Ambiguous Symbols
This is easier said than done, but there are some symbols and iconography that are often used and misused across products. Here are just a couple of examples from products on the web and mobile, but there are hundreds more:
@: The "at" symbol is a repeat offender in the context of the control. Does it mean "email", a web link or something else?
: Does this mean "share" or "new window" or "open additional menu options"? I've seen it used to represent all of the above, as well as upside down to mean "go back".
Some things to think about when picking iconography:
Is there a well-used existing icon for this which can be reused? Users will already know it and you don't have to redesign it.
Is this proposed icon distinct from the others and memorable?
Does this proposed icon conflict with any established patterns?
By giving your iconography and symbols a bit of extra thought, you can help to make your interface—and, therefore, your user's experience—a whole lot better...