Chapter 14
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Changing the times the backups run to outside peak hours is a good solution.
Increasing the instance class may help but it will not be cost-effective.
Using a read replica for backups will reduce the load on the primary node and is a good solution.
Increasing the number of shards will not help.
Increasing the storage will not help.
Changing to provisioned IOPS will not help.
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Creating an AWS Backup policy for 90 days and applying it to all RDS instances is the simplest solution.
Modifying each RDS instance with 90-day backup retention will work but it is not the best solution, as new instances may get missed and it is a manual effort.
Using Lambda is a very complicated solution.
There is no such feature on RDS to push backups to Glacier.
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A read replica in a secondary region is a very expensive solution.
AWS Backups can store backups to another region, so this is the best solution.