12.3 Basic nmcli Commands
The nmcli command will have been installed as part of the Networkmanager package and can be executed from the command-line using the following syntax:
# nmcli [Options] Object {Command | help}
In the above syntax, Object will be one of general, networking, radio, connection, monitor, device or agent, all of which can be abbreviated to a few letters of the word (for example con, or even just the letter c, for connection). For example, all of the following commands will output help information relating to the device object:
# nmcli device help
# nmcli dev help
# nmcli d help
To check the overall status of NetworkManager on the system, use the following command:
# nmcli general status
connected full enabled enabled enabled enabled
To check the status of the devices installed on a system, the following command can be used:
# nmcli dev status