- In technology, things change very fast, so the information provided for the installation of Flutter may have changed when you read this book. For the up-to-date process for installing Flutter on a Windows, Mac, or Linux machine, have a look at the following link: https://flutter.dev/docs/get-started/install.
- Chrome OS is not officially supported at the time of writing this book, but there are several blog articles and guides that show the process of successfully installing the Flutter SDK on Chrome OS. To install Flutter on a Pixelbook that is running, for example, Chrome OS have a look at this link: https://proandroiddev.com/flutter-development-on-a-pixelbook-dde984a3fc1e.
- Material Design is a fascinating topic. For a full description of the design patterns, rules, and tools visit the comprehensive Material Design website at https://material.io/.
- With this book...