Exporting data
In this section, we'll look at the various options and utilities provided by SQL Developer to export either instance data or metadata. The utilities range from copy and paste to wizard-driven export and import, and we'll progress from quick and easy towards more depth.
Exporting instance data
Throughout SQL Developer, data of different types is displayed in data grids, whether you are querying the definitions of a table by clicking on the table in the Connections navigator, running a report, running a query from the SQL Worksheet, or selecting the Data tab for a table. All of these data grids have a set of standard context menus, which include exporting the data in the grid to various file formats. In the following example, the Export Data context menu has been invoked for the EMPLOYEES table's Columns display editor:

Another powerful method of exporting the data is to specify a query in the SQL Worksheet. Run the query using the Run Statement (F9) command. This...