Exercise 2: Provisioning Azure Service Bus
This exercise will help you provision a Standard-tier namespace with one queue and one topic. Access policies will be provisioned as well. These resources will be used later for the connection from the code, and you need to copy the provided connection strings from the output. You can find the code at the following link: https://packt.link/GHWBD
The following commands should be executed in Bash. Use Cloud Shell or install the Azure CLI (http://aka.ms/azcli) locally. The resources provisioned will be used for the next step, so save the connection string from the output.
- Create a resource group:
az group create -l eastus -n MessagingDemo-RG
- To avoid name collisions, generate a unique name for your account:
- Create an Azure Service Bus namespace:
az servicebus namespace create --name $account --resource-group MessagingDemo-RG
- Create a simple Azure Service Bus queue:
az servicebus queue create --name...