Technical requirements
The hardware components that will be needed to develop the social-distancing alarm are listed here:
- One solderless breadboard.
- One Blue Pill microcontroller board.
- One ST-LINK/V2 electronic interface is needed for uploading the compiled code to the Blue Pill board. Bear in mind that the ST-LINK/V2 interface requires four female-to-female jumper wires.
- One HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor.
- One buzzer.
- Male-to-male jumper wires.
- Female-to-male jumper wires.
- A power source.
- Cardboard for the case.
As usual, you will require the Arduino integrated development environment (IDE) and the GitHub repository for this chapter, which can be found at
The Code in Action video for this chapter can be found here:
Let's begin!