This chapter was all about using Keynote to expand your creative scope in iMovie by creating unique titles and animations. Firstly, we created and exported a static title, using the No Fill option for slide backgrounds so that only the text appears in iMovie.
Keynote also allows you to create and export animations as video files. Dynamic backgrounds are an easy way to fill parts of the timeline where you don’t have B-roll, and they’re a bit more engaging than block color backgrounds or still images. You can also animate individual elements and text on-screen in Keynote. Using Build In and Build Out animations, as well as custom export settings, we created an animated title that plays as a video in iMovie.
Moving onto more complex animations, Move animations allow us to make objects follow a path of our choosing. We used these to convincingly animate a car driving along a road. We used the Build Order menu to sync up multiple animations and add delays where...