per month
Mar 2013
88 pages
1st Edition
Learn something new in an Instant! A short, fast, focused guide delivering immediate results.
Configure group settings to personalize and secure your devices
Deploy multiple profiles
Upload and manage mass applications swiftly and easily
The Apple configurator is an incredible piece of software which grants full control in mobile device management, but on a larger scale. The popularity of people taking their own devices to work has grown tremendously. However, valued professional and personal information is at risk, through loss, theft, or hacking.
Instant Apple Configurator How-to is a hands-on guide that eliminates any worries that are associated with the deployment and security of iOS devices. This book provides practical, quick win solutions to combat these issues, with clear, concise, and informative examples providing solutions to secure, remote wipe, and encrypt devices. The book will further explore how to personalize iOS devices for configuration and deployment.
With the Instant Apple Configurator How-to, learn to build profiles with customised control settings, with examples on how to capture device information and use console logs for added protection. You will become skilled at tracking and installing provisional profiles for greater security. We will also explore developing workflows for successful deployment, installing software and applications whilst managing files on iOS devices, and how to deploy enrolment profiles for mobile device management solutions en masse. If you are looking for a complete guide that provides simple solutions to complex problems, look no further.
"Instant Apple Configurator How-to" book is ideal for anyone with a working knowledge in iOS device deployment and management. It is likely you will be responsible for the maintenance and security of iOS devices, ranging anywhere from 10 to 10,000. This is the ultimate guide to iOS security management and device deployment.
Build your own customised profiles and control settings on iOS devices
Explore the full power of the Apple configurator
Develop creative workflows for successful deployment
Back-up and restore important documents and devices
Secure and monitor your iOS devices with automated mobile device management enrolment
Fully control how you deploy and manage applications
Secure remote VPN or Wi-Fi network credentials