Crafting faceted histograms
The previous recipe had a discrete variable displayed by the x axis. In order to turn ourselves toward a single continuous variable, one option is to draw histograms. Facets are also available for histograms and are a good way to investigate how a variable is distributed across some categories.
For this recipe, we will dig into how the hourly wages are distributed among men and women, married and single. Data comes from the 1976 Current Population Survey. Data was collected by Henry Farber and Justin M. Shea in 1988. Both categories are represented by binaries so this recipe brings a new way to label the facets. The requirements department lies ahead.
Getting ready
In order to make it happen, we need the wooldridge::wage1
data frame, which is another way to say, "wooldridge
package has to be installed". Following code takes care of that:
> if( !require(wooldridge)){ install.packages('wooldridge')}
As is usual for this chapter, the packages ggplot2
and plotly