Understanding the validation process
The validation process in Fastify follows the same logic to validate the incoming HTTP request parts. This business logic comprises two main steps, as we saw in Figure 5.2:
- The schema compilation executed by the Validator Compiler
- The validation execution
We will discuss these aspects one by one.
The validator compiler
Fastify doesn’t implement a JSON Schema interpreter itself. Still, it has integrated the Ajv (https://www.npmjs.com/package/ajv) module to accomplish the validation process. The Ajv integration into Fastify is implemented to keep it as fast as possible and support the encapsulation as well. You will always be able to change the default settings and provide a new JSON Schema interpreter to the application, but we will learn how to do it later, in the Managing the validator compiler section.
Ajv version
Fastify has included the Ajv module version 8. This is important to know when you need to search...