These skeletons are not spooky
If you think of a skeleton, the first picture in your mind will most probably be the one on the left side of Figure 9.1. But the type of skeleton we are talking about in this section is the one on the right side of the picture:

Figure 9.1: A human skeleton and the glTF example model skeleton
The skeleton in our example glTF model file looks surprisingly like a human skeleton. We can identify the hips, legs and feet, spine and neck, shoulders, and arms and hands.
Our first step on the way to creating the model’s skeleton is the creation of a hierarchical structure of all the nodes in the model. The hierarchy will let us propagate changes to one of the bones to the remaining parts of the skeleton connected to that bone.
Why do we create a node tree of the skeleton?
When you stretch out your left arm and raise it upward or to the side, you will automatically move all the parts of your arm with it. Your upper...