Creating a drill-down to a different dataset
Continuing the example, we will create a drill-down card that starts from an aggregate dataset but drills to a detailed dataset, in this example, from the Region drill-down card to a Type drill-down card. When drilling from one dataset to another, the same context-sensitive field and value click detection are used but the filtering on the destination dataset is based on field names. So, be sure that field names to filter on from the aggregate dataset match the field names on the drill-down dataset. Let's give it a go:
- From the Sales Attainment wrench icon Edit Drill Path view, click the + Add a view link to add the next drill-down level under the Region path.
- Change the dataset to drill down to the detail data by clicking Quota in the DATA panel, selecting the Opportunity CH7 dataset, and clicking CHOOSE DATASET.
- Ignore the warning and click Switch DataSet.
- Change the chart type to Bar in the Horizontal bar chart...