Persistence technology choices
If you are using a state store to persist your aggregates, using your usual evaluation process for choosing your persistence technology should suffice. However, if you are looking at event-sourced aggregates, the decision can be a bit more nuanced. In our experience, even a simple relational database can do the trick. Indeed, we once made use of a relational database to act as an event store for a high-volume transactional application with billions of events. This setup worked just fine for us. It is worth noting that we were only using the event store to insert new events and loading events for a given aggregate in sequential order. However, there is a multitude of specialized technologies that have been purpose-built to act as an event store that supports several other value-added features, such as time travel, full event replay, event payload introspection, and so on. If you have such requirements, it might be worth considering other options, such...