RISC-V extensions
The instruction set described earlier in this chapter is named RV32I, which stands for the RISC-V 32-bit integer instruction set. Although the RV32I ISA provides a complete and useful instruction set for many purposes, it lacks several functions and features available in other processors such as x86 and ARM.
The RISC-V extensions provide a mechanism for adding capabilities to the base instruction set in an incremental and compatible manner. Implementors of RISC-V processors can selectively include extensions in a processor design to optimize tradeoffs between chip size, system capability, and performance. These flexible design options are also available to developers of low-cost FPGA-based systems. We'll see more about implementing a RISC-V processor in an FPGA later in this chapter. The major extensions we will cover now are named M
, A
, C
, F
, and D
, and we'll mention some other available extensions.
The M extension
extension adds integer...