- admin server
- about / How it works…
- advanced load tests, JMeter
- designing / Designing advanced load tests, Getting ready, How to do it…
- working / How it works…
- alerts, Hyperic
- configuring / Configuring alerts in Hyperic, Getting ready, How to do it..., How it works...
- Amazon Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2) / Running performance tests from the Cloud
- Apache JMeter
- about / Introduction
- installing / Installing Apache JMeter, Getting ready
- downloading / How to do it…
- working / How it works…
- used, for creating web service test / Creating a web service test using JMeter, How to do it…
- running, on multiple servers / Running JMeter on multiple servers, How to do it…, How it works…
- responses, checking in tests / Checking responses in JMeter tests, How to do it…, How it works…
- used, for recording user web sessions / Recording user web sessions with JMeter, How to do it…, How it works…
- advanced load tests, designing / Designing advanced load tests
- performance tests, running from Cloud / Running performance tests from the Cloud, Getting ready, How to do it…
- Application Monitoring tools
- about / Introduction
- audit level
- reducing / Reducing the audit level, How it works...
- levels of note / How it works...
- audit store policy
- setting / Setting the audit store policy, How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- audit trail size threshold
- reducing / Reducing audit trail size threshold, How it works...
- automatic release timers
- about / Disabling automatic release timers globally
- disabling / Getting ready, How to do it..., How it works...
- about / Introduction
- BAM Adapter
- batched delivery, enabling / Using batched delivery in the BAM Adapter, How to do it..., There's more...
- batched delivery
- enabling, for BAM Adapter / Using batched delivery in the BAM Adapter, How it works..., There's more...
- Batching_Limit_Lower / How it works...
- Batching_Limit_Upper / How it works...
- Batching_Timeout / How it works...
- file
- creating / Creating a file, How to do it…
- BPEL/BPMN engines
- about / Introduction
- tuning / Introduction
- dispatcher invoke threads, tuning / Tuning the dispatcher invoke threads , Getting ready, How to do it...
- dispatcher engine threads, tuning / Tuning the dispatcher engine threads, How to do it...
- dispatcher system threads, tuning / Tuning the dispatcher system threads
- BPEL sensors and monitors, disabling / Disabling BPEL monitors and sensors
- audit level, reducing / Reducing the audit level, How it works...
- BPEL process transient, making / How to do it..., How it works...
- completion persist level, reducing / Reducing the completion persist level, How it works...
- persistence, disabling on invocation / Disabling persistence on invocation, How it works...
- audit store policy, setting / Setting the audit store policy, How to do it...
- audit trail size threshold, reducing / Reducing audit trail size threshold, How it works...
- large document threshold, increasing / Increasing large document threshold, How it works...
- SOA infra log levels, reducing / Reducing SOA infra log levels
- data, purging / How to do it...
- global database parameters, setting / How to do it…, How it works…
- Oracle database, tuning / Tuning the Oracle database , How to do it…
- BPEL adapter properties
- tuning / Tuning BPEL adapter properties, How it works...
- BPEL process
- changing, to transient / Changing a BPEL process to be transient, How it works...
- BPEL processes
- designing, for reducing process persistence / How to do it..., How it works...
- BPEL process parallelization
- using / Using BPEL process parallelization, How it works...
- BPEL process persistence
- disabling, on invocation / How to do it..., How it works...
- BPEL sensors and monitors
- disabling / How to do it..., How it works...
- Cloud / How it works…
- cluster
- about / How it works…
- committed transactions, SOA Suite 11g
- monitoring / Monitoring committed transactions, How to do it..., How it works...
- completion persist level
- reducing / Getting ready, How it works...
- composite state
- monitoring / How to do it...
- concurrent mark sweep
- about / There's more...
- correct workflow service client
- selecting / Choosing the correct workflow service client, How it works...
- data
- purging, from BPEL store / Purging data from the BPEL store, How it works...
- data-source pooling
- about / Setting the data source pool sizes
- database parameters
- setting / How to do it…, How it works…
- database statistics generation task
- enabled, ensuring / Ensuring automatic database statistics gathering is enabled, How it works...
- database XA timeouts
- tuning / Getting ready, How to do it…, How it works…
- data source connection timeouts
- setting / Setting data source connection timeouts, How to do it…
- data source pool sizes
- setting / How to do it…, There's more…
- data sources grow
- configuring / Configuring data source growing and shrinking, How to do it…, How it works…
- data sources shrink
- configuring / Configuring data source growing and shrinking, How to do it…
- data source testing
- configuring / Configuring data source testing, Getting ready, How to do it…, How it works…
- data source usage, SOA Suite 11g
- monitoring / Monitoring the data source usage, How to do it..., There's more...
- dehydration / How it works...
- deployment hardware
- selecting / Choosing deployment hardware, How to do it…
- development mode, WebLogic domains
- about / Running your domain in the production mode
- dispatcher engine threads
- tuning / Tuning the dispatcher engine threads, How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- Dispatcher Invoke thread pool
- about / How it works...
- dispatcher invoke threads
- tuning / Tuning the dispatcher invoke threads , How to do it..., How it works..., There's more...
- dispatcher system threads
- tuning / Tuning the dispatcher system threads
- working / How it works..., There's more...
- distributed JMS destination
- about / Using distributed JMS destinations in a cluster
- using, in cluster / Using distributed JMS destinations in a cluster, How it works…
- configuring / How to do it…
- DMS servlet
- used, for monitoring system / Monitoring the system using the DMS servlet
- working / How it works...
- about / There's more...
- DMS Spy servlet
- about / Monitoring the system using the DMS servlet
- domain
- about / How it works…
- EIS adapter connections
- tuning / Tuning connections in the native EIS database adapter, How to do it…, How it works…, There's more…
- explicit GC
- disabling / Disabling explicit GC, How it works...
- file descriptors
- increasing, in Linux / Increasing the number of file descriptors in Linux, How it works…
- garbage-collection algorithm
- selecting, in HotSpot / Choosing a garbage collection algorithm in HotSpot, Getting ready
- concurrent mark sweep / There's more...
- parallel garbage collection / There's more...
- garbage first / There's more...
- selecting, in JRockit / Choosing a garbage collection algorithm in JRockit, How it works...
- garbage collection
- monitoring, jstat used / Monitoring garbage collection with jstat, How it works…
- about / Introduction
- new size, configuring / Setting the new size, How it works...
- survivor ratio, configuring / Setting the survivor ratio, How it works...
- verbose garbage collection, enabling / Turning on verbose garbage collection, Getting ready, How it works...
- evaluating / Getting ready, How to do it..., How it works...
- RMI garbage collector, disabling / Disabling the RMI garbage collector, How it works...
- explicit GC, disabling / Disabling explicit GC, How it works...
- garbage first
- about / There's more...
- GCviewer
- URL / There's more…
- global transaction timeouts
- about / Tuning global transaction timeouts
- tuning / Tuning global transaction timeouts, Getting ready, How to do it…, How it works…
- HotRocket / There's more…
- HotSpot
- garbage-collection algorithm, selecting / Choosing a garbage collection algorithm in HotSpot, How it works...
- HTTP accept backlog
- increasing / Increasing the HTTP accept backlog, How to do it…, How it works…
- about / Increasing the HTTP accept backlog
- HTTP timeouts
- setting, for external services / Setting HTTP timeouts for external services, How to do it..., How it works...
- HugePages / Getting ready
- human workflow component
- about / Introduction
- Hyperic
- about / Introduction
- alerts, configuring / Configuring alerts in Hyperic, How to do it...
- Hyperic agents
- about / Installing Hyperic agents
- installing / Getting ready, How to do it…
- working / How it works...
- Hyperic HQ installer
- downloading / Getting ready
- Hyperic server
- about / Installing the Hyperic server
- installing / Getting ready, How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- configuring, for SOA Suite 11g monitoring / Configuring Hyperic to monitor SOA Suite 11g, How to do it..., How it works...
- Java 1.5 / Getting ready
- Java application
- locking, performing / There's more…
- Java management extensions (JMX) / There's more…
- Java Management eXtensions (JMX) interface / How it works...
- Java Runtime Environment (JRE) / How it works...
- Java Virtual Machine (JVM) / Identifying new size problems with jstat
- JDBC connections
- monitoring, with WebLogic console / Monitoring JDBC connections with the WebLogic console, How to do it…, How it works…, There's more…
- JMS bridge
- creating / How to do it…
- working / How it works…
- JMS connection factories
- tuning / Tuning JMS connection factories, How to do it…, How it works…
- JMS file persistence
- configuring / Using JMS file persistence, How to do it…, How it works…
- about / There's more…
- JMS persistent store
- about / There's more…
- about / Introduction
- used, for identifying performance problems / Identifying performance problems using JRMC on JRockit
- about / Viewing the memory used using JRMC for JRockit
- features / There's more…
- JRockit
- used, for monitoring memory / How to do it…
- garbage-collection algorithm, selecting / Choosing a garbage collection algorithm in JRockit, How to do it...
- JRockit flight recorder
- used, for identifying problems / Using JRockit flight recorder to identify problems, How to do it…
- working / How it works…
- JRockit Mission Control
- about / Identifying performance problems using JRMC on JRockit
- working / How it works…
- jstat
- about / Identifying new size problems with jstat
- used, for identifying problems / Getting ready
- working / How it works…
- used, for identifying permanent generation problems / Identifying permanent generation problems with jstat, How it works…
- used, for monitoring garbage collection / Monitoring garbage collection with jstat, How it works…
- used, for identifying locking issues / Identifying locking issues with jstack, How to do it…, How it works…
- used, for identifying performance problems / Identifying performance problems with jstack, How it works…, There's more…
- JVM / Getting ready
- upgrading / Upgrading to a newer JVM, How to do it…
- JVM free memory
- monitoring / How it works...
- JVM heap size
- increasing / Increasing the JVM heap size, How to do it…, How it works…
- JVM implementations
- finding out / Finding out which JVM you are using, How it works…
- JVM Just In Time (JIT) / How it works…
- JVM memory
- heap size, increasing / Increasing the JVM heap size, How to do it…, How it works…, There's more…
- Xmx and Xms parameters, setting to same value / Setting Xmx and Xms to the same value, How to do it…, There's more…
- Permanent Generation heap size, configuring / Setting the size of the Permanent Generation heap, Getting ready, How it works…
- memory usage, calculating / How to do it…, How it works…
- memory usage, viewing using JRMC for JRockit / Viewing the memory used using JRMC for JRockit, How to do it…, How it works…
- memory usage, viewing using VisualVM for HotSpot / Viewing the memory used using VisualVM for HotSpot, How to do it…, How it works…
- thread stack size, configuring / Setting the size of the thread stack, How it works…
- JVM memory usage
- monitoring / Monitoring the JVM memory usage, How to do it...
- JVM Statistics Monitoring Tool Daemon (jstatd) / How it works…
- large document threshold
- increasing / Increasing large document threshold, How it works...
- large pages
- using, in Linux / Using large pages in Linux, Getting ready, How to do it…
- Linux / Getting ready
- large pages, using / Using large pages in Linux, Getting ready, How to do it…
- file descriptors, increasing / Increasing the number of file descriptors in Linux, How it works…
- Linux kernel swappiness level
- setting to low / Setting the Linux kernel swappiness to low, How it works…
- locking issues
- identifying, jstat used / Identifying locking issues with jstack, How to do it…, How it works…
- machine
- about / How it works…
- managed server
- about / How it works…
- MBean
- about / Introduction
- Mediator engine
- about / Introduction
- Mediator Parallel Maximum Rows Retrieved
- setting / Setting Mediator Parallel Maximum Rows Retrieved, How it works...
- Mediator Parallel Metrics Level
- setting / Setting Mediator Parallel Metrics Level, Getting ready, How to do it..., How it works...
- Mediator Parallel Worker Threads
- setting / Setting Mediator Parallel Worker Threads
- Memory Analyzer Toolkit / There's more…
- memory management
- about / Introduction
- memory usage
- calculating / Getting ready, How to do it…, How it works…
- viewing, JRMC used for JRockit / Viewing the memory used using JRMC for JRockit, How to do it…, How it works…
- viewing, VisualVM used for HotSpot / Viewing the memory used using VisualVM for HotSpot, How to do it…
- Mission Control / How it works…
- monitoring
- about / Introduction
- new size, garbage collection
- configuring / Setting the new size, How it works...
- new size problems
- identifying, jstat used / Identifying new size problems with jstat, Getting ready
- non-blocking service invocations
- using, in BPEL flows / Using non-blocking service invocations in BPEL flows, How it works...
- OHS load balancer
- configuring / Configuring an OHS load balancer
- installing / How to do it…
- working / How it works…
- open sockets, SOA Suite 11g
- monitoring / Monitoring open sockets, How to do it...
- OPEN_CURSORS parameter / How it works…
- Oracle database
- tuning / Tuning the Oracle database , How to do it…, How it works…
- Oracle Dynamic Monitoring System
- monitoring, DMS servlet used / Monitoring the system using the DMS servlet, Getting ready, How it works...
- Oracle Enterprise Service Bus (OESB) / There's more…
- Oracle JRockit JVM
- using / Using the Oracle JRockit JVM, How to do it…, How it works…
- Oracle Service Bus (OSB) / There's more…
- Oracle SOA Suite application
- monitoring / Introduction
- performance monitoring / Introduction
- Oracle SOA Suite Mediator component / There's more…
- parallel garbage collection
- about / There's more...
- Parallel Locker Thread Sleep
- setting / Setting Parallel Locker Thread Sleep, How it works...
- parallel routing rules, mediator components
- configuring / Using parallel routing rules in Mediator components, How to do it..., How it works...
- pause time priority
- about / How it works...
- payload validation
- disabling / Getting ready, How to do it...
- Payload Validation setting, BPEL engine / There's more...
- performance
- about / Introduction
- performance bottlenecks, SOA Suite application
- about / Introduction
- new size problems, identifying with jstat / Identifying new size problems with jstat, Getting ready, How it works…
- permanent generation problems, identifying with jstat / Identifying permanent generation problems with jstat, How it works…
- garbage collection, monitoring with jstat / Monitoring garbage collection with jstat, How it works…
- locking issues, identifying with jstack / Identifying locking issues with jstack, How to do it…, How it works…
- performance problems, identifying with jstack / Identifying performance problems with jstack, Getting ready, How it works…
- performance problems, identifying using VisualVM / Identifying performance problems using VisualVM on HotSpot, How to do it…
- performance problems, identifying using JRMC on JRockit / Identifying performance problems using JRMC on JRockit, Getting ready, How to do it…, How it works…
- problems, identifying using JRockit flight recorder / Using JRockit flight recorder to identify problems, How to do it…
- JDBC connections, monitoring with WebLogic console / Monitoring JDBC connections with the WebLogic console, How to do it…
- slow running database queries, identifying / Identifying slow-running database queries, How it works…
- slow running components, identifying with Enterprise Manager / Identifying slow-running components with the Enterprise Manager, There's more…
- performance problems
- identifying, jstat used / Identifying performance problems with jstack, How it works…, There's more…
- identifying, VisualVM using on HotSpot / Identifying performance problems using VisualVM on HotSpot, How to do it…
- identifying, JRMC using on JRockit / Identifying performance problems using JRMC on JRockit, Getting ready, How to do it…, How it works…
- performance tests, JMeter
- running / Running performance tests from the Cloud, Getting ready, How to do it…
- Permanent Generation heap
- size, configuring / Setting the size of the Permanent Generation heap, How to do it…
- permanent generation problems
- identifying, jstat used / Identifying permanent generation problems with jstat, How it works…
- PermGen
- about / Setting the size of the Permanent Generation heap, How it works…
- working / How it works…
- platform CPU usage, SOA Suite 11g
- monitoring / Monitoring the platform CPU usage, How to do it...
- potential circular references
- removing / How to do it...
- production mode, WebLogic domains
- about / Running your domain in the production mode
- working / How it works…
- Profiler / There's more…
- redo thread / There's more…
- remote Hotspot JVM
- connecting to / Connecting to a remote Hotspot JVM
- remote JRockit JVM
- connecting to / Connecting to a remote JRockit JVM
- responses
- checking, in JMeter tests / Checking responses in JMeter tests, How to do it…, How it works…
- RMI garbage collector
- about / Disabling the RMI garbage collector
- disabling / Disabling the RMI garbage collector, How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- rule execution
- looping, preventing / Preventing looping and inefficient rule execution, How to do it...
- tuning / Getting ready, How to do it..., How it works...
- rules component
- about / Introduction
- ruleset / How it works...
- server
- about / How it works…
- server logging level
- reducing / Reducing the server logging level, How to do it…, How it works…
- setSoaDomainEnv script / How it works..., How it works...
- SIGAR library / How it works...
- slow running components
- identifying, with Enterprise Manager / Identifying slow-running components with the Enterprise Manager, There's more…
- slow running database queries
- identifying / Identifying slow-running database queries, How it works…
- SOA infra log levels
- reducing / Reducing SOA infra log levels, How to do it..., How it works...
- SOA Suite
- monitoring, whie testing / Monitoring SOA Suite while testing, How to do it…, How it works…
- SOA Suite 11g
- memory usage, monitoring / How to do it...
- platform CPU usage, monitoring / Monitoring the platform CPU usage, How to do it...
- data source usage, monitoring / Monitoring the data source usage, How to do it...
- open sockets, monitoring / Monitoring open sockets, How to do it...
- committed transactions, monitoring / Monitoring committed transactions, How to do it...
- SOA Suite application
- performance bottlenecks / Introduction
- SOA Suite cluster
- configuring / Configuring a cluster of SOA Suite servers, How to do it…
- SOA Suite EJB timeouts
- tuning / Tuning the SOA Suite EJB timeouts, How to do it…, How it works…
- SOA Suite Java Virtual Machines / Introduction
- SOA Suite Server availability
- monitoring / Monitoring the SOA Suite server availability, How to do it..., How it works...
- SOA Suite stack
- layers / Introduction
- Solaris / Getting ready
- startManagedWebLogic script / Getting ready
- startWebLogic script / Getting ready
- Store and Forward Agents (SAF)
- about / There's more…
- survivor ratio, garbage collection
- configuring / Setting the survivor ratio, How it works...
- thread stack size
- configuring / Setting the size of the thread stack, How it works…
- user web sessions
- recording, with JMeter / Recording user web sessions with JMeter, How to do it…, How it works…
- verbose garbage collection
- about / Turning on verbose garbage collection
- enabling / Turning on verbose garbage collection, How to do it...
- VFabric Hyperic HQ tool
- about / Introduction
- virtualized SOA Suite infrastructure
- deployment, tuning / Getting ready, How it works…
- VisualVM
- used, for identifying performance problems / Identifying performance problems using VisualVM on HotSpot, How to do it…
- working / How it works…, How it works…
- about / How it works…
- WebLogic / How it works...
- WebLogic console
- used, for monitoring JDBC connections / Monitoring JDBC connections with the WebLogic console, How to do it…, How it works…
- WebLogic domains
- running, in production mode / Running your domain in the production mode, How to do it…
- development mode / Running your domain in the production mode
- production mode / Running your domain in the production mode
- WebLogic server
- monitoring / Configuring Hyperic to monitor SOA Suite 11g
- WebLogic thread pool
- configuring / Configuring the WebLogic thread pool, How to do it…, How it works…
- web service test
- creating, JMeter used / Creating a web service test using JMeter, How to do it…, There's more…
- Work Managers / There's more…
- Xmx and Xms parameters
- setting, to same value / Setting Xmx and Xms to the same value, How to do it…, There's more…