Sweep Traces
Before we continue with our project, it is important to know about a variant of the Line Trace, which is the Sweep Trace. Although we won't be using these in our project, it is important to know about them and how to use them.
While the Line Trace basically shoots a ray between two points, the Sweep Trace will simulate throwing an object between two points in a straight line. The object that is being thrown is simulated (doesn't actually exist in the game) and can have various shapes. In the Sweep Trace, the Hit
location will be the first point at which the virtual object (which we will call Shape) hits another object, if it were thrown from the start point to the end point. The shapes of the Sweep Trace can be either a box, a sphere, or a capsule.
Here is a representation of a Sweep Trace from point A
to point B
, where we assume that object 1
is ignored due to its Trace Channel properties, using a box shape:
Figure 5.8: Representation...