Additional references
Some good online references and links for Ansible that we found during our research for this book are:
- Streisand: Automated installation and configuration of anti-censorship software
- Sovereign: Maintain your own private cloud using Ansible playbooks
- AWX: Open source version of Ansible Tower
Streisand – automated installation and configuration of anti-censorship software
Using Ansible playbooks, Streisand can set up a cloud server full of software to bypass internet restrictions and online censorship. Tools that are set up include IPSEC-based VPN, OpenVPN, OpenConnect, Tor, and WireGuard.
Get started with Streisand at
Sovereign – maintain your own private cloud using Ansible playbooks
Using Ansible playbooks, Sovereign sets up your own private cloud with open source software. This puts you in control of your data with services including email, calendar, file sync, RSS reader, Git hosting, read it later, and chat.
Get started...