This is a dangerous fallacy. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link, and unfortunately, there are many links in distributed systems. Here are a few ways to make those links stronger:
- Be sure to always apply security patches to every component that you use, to your infrastructure, operating systems, and other components.
- Train your personnel and try to protect your system from the human factor; sometimes it's a rogue employee that compromises a system.
- If your system will be online, it will get attacked, and it's possible that a breach will happen at one point. Be sure to have a written plan on how to react to such events.
- You might have heard about the defense in depth principle. It boils down to having different checks for different parts of your system (your infrastructure, your applications, and so on) so that when a breach happens, its range, and the associated damage, will be limited.
- Use firewalls, certificates, encryption, and proper authentication...