Mimicking a real-life camera using Bloom and Lens Flares
The post processing effects that we are going to covering in this recipe are going to deal with lights. Daily life has probably taught every one of us about the different consequences that light introduces in our vision: as in what happens when we look at a very bright spot or how our eyes adapt to sudden changes in lighting. If you have also dealt with a camera in the past, the chances are you've also seen how certain camera effects can start to show if we have a light source in our sights. This is what we are going to be covering in the following pages: namely, two of them known as Bloom and Lens Flares. Replicating those effects in Unreal is easy and can add a bit of flavor to your scenes, as long as they are use in a subtle way. Let's take a look at them!
Getting ready
The scene we are going to be using in order to introduce the previous camera effects can be found in the following folder: Content / UE4ShadersAndEffects / Maps /...