Validating the structure of flowchart diagrams
If we follow the advice in this chapter about connecting and labeling shapes, then we should have a well-structured flowchart diagram. However, if there are issues, such as missing labels and connections, then they can be easily revealed with the Process | Check Diagram button, as shown in the following screenshot:

Figure 3.38 – Validating the diagram structure
Visio Plan 2 and Visio Professional include validation rules for flowcharts, and they can be modified or new rules created. This is the subject of the still valid book from Packt Publishing, Microsoft Visio 2013 Business Process Diagramming and Validation by David J Parker, and it can be referred to for more detail.
The SharePoint Workflow group in the Process ribbon tab will not be addressed in this book because it is superseded by the last ribbon group, Microsoft Power Automate, which will be covered in the next chapter. The other group...