Understanding the host and the slave
There are specific steps we need to follow in order to make sure FL Studio and Reason are rewired properly.
Getting ready
You must have Reason installed on your computer before rewiring into FL Studio.
How to do it…
Let us review how to rewire Reason into FL Studio using the following steps:
- From the main FL Studio window, go to CHANNELS | Add one | ReWired. This will create your ReWire channel. The channel will show as Reason as shown in the following screenshot and, when you click on the channel, the PLUGIN tab will show the ReWire interface.
- Click on the dropdown named CLIENT and select Reason. You will want to enable the button that reads Multi Outputs; when selected, it will turn orange as shown in the following screenshot:
Fig 11.1
- Click on SHOW PANEL to automatically launch your Reason software. The top of your Reason hardware device should read ReWire Slave Mode, as shown in the following screenshot. It will generally take two to three seconds...