To interact with the operating system from within the Julia REPL, there are a few helper functions available, as follows:
- pwd(): this function prints the current directory, for example, "d:\\test"
- cd("d:\\test\\week1"): this function helps to navigate to subdirectories
- ;:Â in the interactive shell, you can also use shell mode using the ; modifier, for example: ; cd folder: navigates to folder
However, what if you want to run a shell command by using the operating system (the OS)? Julia offers efficient shell integration through the run function, which takes an object of type Cmd, defined by enclosing a command string in backticks (``).
The following are some examples for Linux or macOS X (at the time of writing: September 2018):
# Code in Chapter 9\shell.jl: cmd = `echo Julia is smart` typeof(cmd) #> Cmd run...