Importing and exporting templates
Zabbix provides a good and useful import/export functionality. The objects that can be exported and imported are the following:
Templates: This includes all directly attached items, triggers, graphs, screens, discovery rules, and template linkage
Hosts: This includes all directly attached items, triggers, graphs, discovery rules, and template linkage
Network maps: This includes all related images; map export/import is supported since Zabbix 1.8.2
Using the Zabbix API, it is possible to export and import even the host groups.
The export functionality is quite easy to understand; anyway, the import function has been extended. The following screenshot captures this discussion:

The import section is divided into three columns; the first one, Update existing, will force the update if an element is already defined. This function is fundamental if you want to update an element or simply add the missing objects. The second column, Create new, is quite...