TDD has a history dating back to the 1970s, when the idea of “test-first” programming was discussed. It was not popular until TDD became a part of Extreme Programming (XP), which was introduced by Kent Beck in the 1990s.
XP is an agile software development methodology that aims to deliver high-quality software, meet evolving user requirements, and reduce risks due to uncertainties in the process. It has five core values — communication, simplicity, feedback, courage, and respect. It emphasizes short iterative development cycles and close collaboration between developers and stakeholders, encouraging frequent feedback to adapt to changing requirements. The key practices of XP include pair programming, TDD, continuous integration, and frequent releases of small and incremental changes.
In 2002, Beck published the book Test-Driven-Development: By Example, which provided detailed guidance on the TDD process and has since significantly influenced a lot...