Practice test
Answer the following questions:
- A user changes the image of a container running in a Pod against a deployment in a Kubernetes cluster. A user updates the deployment specification. Select the option that describes the accurate behavior:
a) The container image of the Pod tied to the deployment will get instantly updated and the running Pods will use the new container image.
b) A new ReplicaSet will be created with the new image running inside a new Pod and will run in parallel with the older ReplicaSet with the older image.
c) The current running Pod will stop instantly, and a new Pod will be created with the new image. There will be some downtime.
d) A new ReplicaSet will be created with the new image running inside a new Pod and will gradually replace Pods from the old ReplicaSet.
- Select the smallest unit of deployment in Kubernetes:
a) Deployment
b) Container
c) Pod
d) ReplicaSet
- Select the object and the basis on which a Service object directs traffic:
a) The...