While Qt can sometimes be obtained for a specific target, the version we are running isn't available for the Raspberry Pi. Instead, we will look at how to build Qt from the sources. At first, it may seem like a daunting task, but it really is straightforward. Let's get to it:
- Before we start building Qt, we are going to make a backup copy of the source directory using tar. Open Command Prompt and cd to the installation directory for Qt 5.12.0. Next, tar up the Src directory, as follows:
[On Host] $ cd ~/Qt/5.12.0
[On Host] $ tar jcvf qt-5.12.0-src.tar.bz2 Src
Always keep the distribution sources untouched and don't build in the installed source directory. Use a copy of the directory instead. That way, should something happen, you won't have to re-download the sources.
- Now, extract the tarball into ~/raspi/Src and rename it ...