The first step of the process is to create an extra slide in the project and get it ready to be used as an Overlay Slide. Use the following step to insert the Overlay Slide in the project:
- Open the Chapter 05/overlay.cptx file.
- In the Filmstrip, right-click the first (and only) slide of the overlay.cptx project.
- Select Copy in the contextual menu.
- Return to the Chapter05/takeTheTrain.cptx project and use the Filmstrip to navigate to slide 20.
- Paste the slide you copied from the overlay.cptx file.
- Use the Properties inspector to apply the ContentBkg Master Slide of the theme to the new slide.
The new slide has been inserted as slide 21 of the project. This is not a requirement. Technically, you can insert the slides you want to use as Overlay Slides anywhere in the project, but for the sake of clarity, let's keep all the slides involved in this exercise together in the Filmstrip. Also, as soon as you mark a slide as an Overlay, it is...