Controlling capacity workloads and settings
Premium and Fabric capacities provide reserved resources for your organization. This isolates you from noisy neighbors that you may experience in the shared capacity. Let’s start by briefly reviewing the capabilities of the capacity resources that differentiate them by providing greater performance and scale:
- Ability to Autoscale: Premium allows for additional Azure capacity to be created for Autoscale. With Fabric, the Autoscale is automatic with additional resources and smoothing over time for overages.
- Higher storage and semantic model size limits: The resources have 100 TB of total storage and a semantic model size of 400 GB (100 GB in PPU).
- More frequent semantic model refreshes: The refreshes happen 48 times per day via the UI and potentially more often via scripts through the XMLA endpoint.
- Greater refresh parallelism: You can have more refreshes at the same time, ranging from 1 to 1280 depending on the capacity...