- Add button / Step 6—The grass is always greener
- Add Event button / Adding animation events
- AddForce() command / Adding a force to the Rigidbody
- Add Keyframe button / Creating keyframes
- Alt Positive parameter / Scripting to throw coconuts
- angular drag, Rigidbody component / The Rigidbody component
- animation compression section
- Keyframe Reduction and Compression section / modeling applicationsanimations sectionAnimation Compression
- Keyframe Reduction section / modeling applicationsanimations sectionAnimation Compression
- Off section / modeling applicationsanimations sectionAnimation Compression
- animation panel
- creating / Creating the Fader and using the Animation panel
- Animation panel overview / Scaling for various resolutions
- overview / Animation panel overview
- Animation Clip, creating / Creating an animation clip
- Keyframes, creating / Creating keyframes
- Animation Curves, using / Using animation curves
- Animation Events, adding / Adding animation events
- Loading GUI, animating / Creating and animating the Loading GUI
- Loading GUI, creating / Creating and animating the Loading GUI
- scenes loading, animation events used / Loading scenes with animation events, Storing and instantiating the Loading GUI
- Animation panel / Creating and animating the Loading GUI
- animations component / Disabling automatic animation
- Animations component / Targets and coconut collisions
- animations parameter / Disabling automatic animation
- animations section, modeling application
- about / Animations
- dont import method / Animations
- store in original roots method / Animations
- store in nodes method / Animations
- store in root method / Animations
- application wrap mode drop-down menu / Animations
- Animation window / Animation panel overview
- anisotropic textures / Quality Settings
- anti aliasing / Quality Settings
- Application.LoadLevel() function / Win sequence approach
- Application.Quit() command / Scripting button actions, Quit button platform automation
- Application.Quit() function / Scripting button actions
- Application class / Loading scenes
- application wrap mode drop-down menu / Animations
- arguments, function
- C# / functionsreturn typereturn type, functionArguments
- JavaScript / functionsreturn typereturn type, functionArguments
- array / Using arrays and loops for commands on multiple objects
- array length / Understanding arrays
- arrays, power cell HUD
- about / Understanding arrays
- HUD array, adding / Adding the HUD array
- textures, assigning to array / Assigning textures to the array
- HUD, disabling for game start / Disabling the HUD for game start
- HUD, enabling during runtime / Enabling the HUD during runtime
- power generator, adding / Adding the power generator
- assets / Assets involved
- assets, collision detection
- creating / Creatioutpost, openingcollision detectionng new assets
- assets;about / Assets
- Asset Selection window / Painting procedure
- assets folder / External modeling applications
- audio, campfire particle systems
- adding, to fire / Adding audio to the fire
- 3D Audio / 3D Audio
- audio, outpost model
- adding / Adding audio
- audio listener, main camera (child) / Audio listener
- audio source component
- including / Including the Audio Source component
- Audio Source component / The hills are alive!
- AudioSource component / Loading scenes
- audio source component, including / Including the Audio Source component
- automatic animation, outpost model
- disabling / Disabling automatic animation
- Awake() function / Find() and FindWithTag()
- axes, mouse look (script) / Mouse Look (Script)
- baked-only point lights
- lighting inside / Lighting inside with Baked-Only Point Lights
- bake option / Baking the scene
- bake selected option / Baking the scene
- Base Texture Resolution / Setting the resolution
- batching / Standalone
- battery object
- rotationAmount / Adding rotation
- BeginGroup() function / Pixel-specific positioning, Resolution-independent positioning
- billboarding / Step 6—The grass is always greener
- bit mask technique / Checking grounded
- blend weights / Quality Settings
- Book Assets folder / Creating the power cell prefab
- boolean (js) / bool (c#) / Variable data types
- box collider / Adding colliders
- Brush Size / Place Trees
- build
- about / Player Settings
- build option
- about / Build options
- web player streamed / Web Player Streamed
- PC build / PC or Mac standalone
- Mac OS X standalone / PC or Mac standalone
- OSX dashboard widget / OSX Dashboard Widget
- build settings
- about / Build Settings
- C# behaviour, scripting
- about / What's inside a new C# behaviour
- basic functions / Basic fscriptingC# behaviourunctions
- Start() function / Basic fscriptingC# behaviourunctions
- C#, variables / Variables in C#
- C# behaviour, scripting;about / What's inside a new C# behaviour
- C# variables
- syntax / Variables in C#
- camera clip planes / Camera Clip Planes and Fog
- cameras
- about / Cameras
- projection mode / Projection mode—3D versus 2D
- 3D versus 2D / Projection mode—3D versus 2D
- Field of View (FOV) / Projection mode—3D versus 2D
- Heads Up Display (HUD) elements / Projection mode—3D versus 2D
- campfire particle systems
- fire, creating / Creating fire
- smoke, blowing / Blowing smoke!
- can control, character motor (script) / Character Motor (Script)
- canThrow variable / Activating coconut throw
- capsule collider / Collision detection
- Cartesian coordinate method / Coordinates
- CellPickup() function
- adding / Adding the CellPickup() function
- center, character control / Character Controller
- character
- about / Anatprefabs, inspectoraboutomy of a character
- character collision detection
- scrioting for / Scripting for character collision detection
- OnControllerColliderHit, working with / Working with OnControllerColliderHit
- doorIsOpen / Working with OnControllerColliderHit
- doorTimer / Working with OnControllerColliderHit
- doorOpenTime / Working with OnControllerColliderHit
- doorOpenSound/doorShutSound / Working with OnControllerColliderHit
- CharacterController component / Working with OnControllerColliderHit
- character control, First Person Controller (parent)
- height / Character Controller
- radius / Character Controller
- SlopeLimit / Character Controller
- StepOffset / Character Controller
- SkinWidth / Character Controller
- MinMoveDistance / Character Controller
- center / Character Controller
- CharacterController.Move function / Moving the character
- character control script
- about / Scripting for character movement
- deconstructing / Deconstructing the script
- character motor (script), First Person Controller (parent)
- about / Character Motor (Script)
- can control / Character Motor (Script)
- use fixed update / Character Motor (Script)
- movement / Character Motor (Script)
- jumping / Character Motor (Script)
- moving platform / Character Motor (Script)
- sliding / Character Motor (Script)
- charge variable / Adding the HUD array, Assigning textures to the array
- clear option / Baking the scene
- co-routines
- using, to time game elements / Using co-routines to time game elements
- coconut prefab
- creating / Creating the coconut prefab
- coconuts
- removing / Removing coconuts
- collision detection script, writing / Writing the Coconut collision detection script
- coconut shy game
- prefab, editing / Editing the Prefab
- Trail Renderer component / Trail Renderer component
- prefab, updating / Updating the prefab
- coconutShy model / The coconut shy
- coconutShy object / The coconut shy
- coconut shy shack
- adding / Adding the coconut shy shack
- coconut throw
- activating / Activating coconut throw
- Coconut Thrower script / Instantiating the coconut
- collectSound variable / Adding the HUD array
- collider, ray casting
- resetting / Resetting the collider
- collider, types
- primitive collider / Collision detection
- mesh collider / Collision detection
- capsule collider / Collision detection
- sphere collider / Collision detection
- colliders, outpost model
- adding / Adding colliders
- Scene window / Adding colliders
- mesh collider / Adding colliders
- box collider / Adding colliders
- primitive collider / Adding colliders
- collider scale / Collider scale
- collision detection
- about / Collisions and triggers, Approach 1—Collision detection, Collision detection
- assets, creating / Creatioutpost, openingcollision detectionng new assets
- character collision detection, scripting for / Scripting for character collision detection
- OnControllerColliderHit, working with / Working with OnControllerColliderHit
- OpenDoor() custom function / OpenDoor() custom function
- function, declaring / Declaring the function
- door status, checking / Checking door status
- audio, playing / Playing audio
- script, testing / Testing the script
- colliders, extending / Extending colliders
- animation, playing / Playing animation
- procedure, reversing / Reversing the procedure
- code, maintainability / Code maintainability
- drawbacks / Drawbacks of collision detection
- collision detection, ray casting
- disabling, with comments / Disabling collision detection with comments
- collision event
- about / Collisions and triggers
- collisions / Polygons, edges, vertices, and meshes
- about / Collisions and triggers
- ignoring, with layers / Ignoring collisions with layers
- Color.a property / Adding animation events
- Color Variation / Place Trees
- Command + 6 (Mac) / Adding animation events
- Command + Backspace (Mac) / Storing and instantiating the Loading GUI
- commands
- about / Commands
- comments
- about / Comments
- components;about / Components
- conditions
- about / Multiple conditions
- for loops / For loops
- constraints, Rigidbody component / The Rigidbody component
- continous collision detection / Predictive collision detection
- continous dynamic / Predictive collision detection
- control bar, scene view
- about / Control bar
- Controllers package / Anatprefabs, inspectoraboutomy of a character
- Control Texture Resolution / Setting the resolution
- control tools, scene view
- translate tool [W] / Control toolsUnity interfacescene view
- rotate tool[E] / Control toolsUnity interfacescene view
- scale tool [R] / Control toolsUnity interfacescene view
- coordinates
- about / Coordinates
- Create button / Setting the scene, Introducing scripting
- create button, scene view
- about / Create button
- Create New Project tab / Your first Unity project
- cross-platform settings / Cross-Platform Settings
- crosshair
- adding, to screen / Adding the crosshair
- GUI texture, toggling / Toggling the crosshair GUI Texture
- Ctrl + 6 (PC) / Adding animation events
- cubemap / Step 9—Look, there! Up in the skybox!
- currentDoor argument / Code maintainability
- custom function
- calling / functionscustom function, declaringCalling a custom function
- custom function, calling
- JavaScript / functionscustom function, declaringCalling a custom function
- custom function, declaring
- C# / Declaring a custom function
- JavaScript / Declaring a custom function
- 3D Audio / 3D Audio
- 3D vectors / Vectors
- 3D world, elements
- coordinates / Coordinates
- Z-axis / Coordinates
- Cartesian coordinate method / Coordinates
- local space versus world space / Local space versus world space
- object space / Local space versus world space
- parent-child relationships / Local space versus world space
- 3D vectors / Vectors
- vectors / Vectors
- cameras / Cameras
- polygons / Polygons, edges, vertices, and meshes
- edges / Polygons, edges, vertices, and meshes
- meshes / Polygons, edges, vertices, and meshes
- collisions / Polygons, edges, vertices, and meshes
- polygon count / Polygons, edges, vertices, and meshes
- materials / Materials, textures, and shaders
- shader / Materials, textures, and shaders
- textures / Materials, textures, and shaders
- Debug commands
- used, for checking scripts / Checking scripts with Debug commands
- Destroy() command / Adding Trigger Collision Detection, Switching lights and removing the HUD, Checking for a win
- Detail resolution map / Setting the resolution
- Detail resolution per patch / Setting the resolution
- directional light / Step 7—Let there be lights!
- dont import method / Animations
- DoorCheck() function / Migrating code—writing a DoorManager script, Casting the ray, Scripting for trigger collisions
- door child object / Extending colliders
- doorLight variable / Switching lights and removing the HUD
- DoorManager script / Migrating code—writing a DoorManager script
- Door Manager script, ray casting
- writing / Migrating code—writing a DoorManager script
- dooropen animation / Setting up the outpost model
- dooropen argument / Code maintainability
- doorOpenSoun / Playing audio
- doorOpenSound argument / Code maintainability
- Door Open Sound public variable / Testing the script
- Door Open Sound variable / Testing the script
- doorshut animation / Setting up the outpost model
- Door Shut Sound public variable / Testing the script
- doorTimer variable / Reversing the procedure
- door unlock
- signifying / Signifying door unlock
- locked light, adding / Adding the locked light
- HUD, removing / Switching lights and removing the HUD
- lights, switching / Switching lights and removing the HUD
- dot syntax
- about / Inter-script communication and Dot Syntax, GetComponent, Dot Syntax
- C# / Dot Syntax
- JavaScript / Dot Syntax
- drag, Rigidbody component / The Rigidbody component
- edges / Polygons, edges, vertices, and meshes
- Edit Animation Event window / Loading scenes with animation events
- ellipsoid particle emitter
- about / Particle Emitter
- settings / Particle Emitter
- else if statement / Adjusting hints to show progress
- else statement / Disabling the HUD for game start, Displaying streamed loading progress
- empty objects, prototyping environment
- duplicating / Grouping and duplicating with empty objects
- grouping / Grouping and duplicating with empty objects
- enabled parameter / Activating coconut throw
- enemy argument / functionscustom function, declaringCalling a custom function
- enemyName argument / functionscustom function, declaringCalling a custom function
- Environment parent object / Positioning trees
- extrapolate, Rigidbody component / The Rigidbody component
- fader
- Keyframes, creating / Creating keyframes
- Loading GUI, animating / Creating and animating the Loading GUI
- Loading GUI, creating / Creating and animating the Loading GUI
- Fader
- creating / Creating the Fader and using the Animation panel
- various resolutions, scaling for / Scaling for various resolutions
- starting, from invisibility / Starting the Fader from invisibility
- Far Clip Plane setting / Camera Clip Planes and Fog
- Far Clip Plane settings / Camera Clip Planes and Fog
- FBXImporter component / Import settings, Targets and coconut collisions, The outpost and generator, The coconut shy
- Field of View (FOV) / Projection mode—3D versus 2D
- Find() command
- about / Find() and FindWithTag()
- C# / Find() and FindWithTag()
- JavaScript / Find() and FindWithTag()
- FindWithTag() command
- about / Find() and FindWithTag()
- fire
- lighting / Lighting the fire
- matches, adding / Adding the matches
- match collection script, writing / Writing the Match Collection script
- matches GUI, creating / Creating the matches GUI
- matches, collecting / Collecting the matches
- , starting / Starting the fire
- arrays, using for commands / Using arrays and loops for commands on multiple objects
- loops, using for commands / Using arrays and loops for commands on multiple objects
- inventory usage, signifying / Signifying Inventory usage
- fire, campfire particle systems
- creating / Creating fire
- ellipsoid particle emitter, settings / Ellipsoid Particle Emitter settings
- particle animator, settings / Particle Animator settings
- particle renderer, settings / Particle Renderer settings
- material, adding / Adding a material
- FireSystem, positioning / Positioning the FireSystem
- testing / Time to Test!
- First Person Controller (parent), FPC object
- about / Object 1: First Person Controller (parent), TransforFirst Person Controller (parent), FPC objectaboutm
- transform / TransforFirst Person Controller (parent), FPC objectaboutm
- character control / Character Controller
- mouse look (script) / Mouse Look (Script)
- character motor (script) / Character Motor (Script)
- FPSInput controller (script) / FPSInput Controller (Script)
- First Person Controller object / Camera Clip Planes and Fog
- First Streamed Level setting / Web Player
- FixedUpdate() function / variable declarationaboutStoring movement information, @Script commands
- Flare Layer component, main camera (child) / GUmain camera (child), FPC objectCullingMask parameterILayer and Flare Layer
- float (floating point) / Variable data types
- floating point (float) / Variables in C#
- Fog Density value / Camera Clip Planes and Fog
- for loops
- parameters / For loops
- C# / For loops
- JavaScript / For loops
- format option / Preparing textures for GUI usage
- about / Deconstructing the First Person Controller object
- parent-child relationship / Deconstructing the First Person Controller object
- parent-child, issues / Parent-child issues, First FPCparent-child, issuesPerson Controller object
- FPC, object
- First Person Controller / First FPCparent-child, issuesPerson Controller object
- graphics / First FPCparent-child, issuesPerson Controller object
- main camera / First FPCparent-child, issuesPerson Controller object
- First Person Controller (parent) / Object 1: First Person Controller (parent)
- graphics (child) / Object 2: Graphics (child)
- main camera (child) / Object 3: Main Camera (child)
- FPSInput controller (script), First Person Controller (parent)
- about / FPSInput Controller (Script)
- fps variable / Frame rate feedback
- FramesPerSecond (FPS), / functionsaboutUpdate()
- free version, Unity / Free versus Pro
- functions
- about / Functions , functionsaboutUpdate()
- Update() function / functionsaboutUpdate()
- OnMouseDown() function / OnMouseDown()
- writing / Writing custom functions
- return type / Return type, functionsreturn typereturn type, functionArguments
- arguments / functionsreturn typereturn type, functionArguments
- custom function, declaring / Declaring a custom function, functionscustom function, declaringCalling a custom function
- custom function, calling / functionscustom function, declaringCalling a custom function, functionscustom function, callingIf else statements
- if else statements / functionscustom function, callingIf else statements, C#:if else statementsC#
- game
- performance, optimizing / Optimizing performance
- building / Building the game
- web build / Adapting for web build
- quit button platform automation / Quit button platform automation
- streaming / Preparing for streaming
- streamed loading progress, displaying / Displaying streamed loading progress
- loading info box, styling / Styling the loading info box
- standalone, building / Building the Standalone
- unity free version / Free versus Pro
- unity pro version / Free versus Pro
- web, building for / Building for the Web
- web player builds, embedding in site / Embedding web player builds in your own site
- <head>-web JavaScript / The <head>—web JavaScript
- <head> code, simplifying / Making the <head> code portable
- object, embedding from <BODY> / Object embedding from the <BODY>
- Unity embed, styling with CSS / Styling your Unity embed with CSS
-, sharing on / Sharing on
- learning, approaches / Approaches to learning, Don't reinvent the wheel
- Game
- win sequence / Game win sequence
- GameObject.Find() / Switching lights and removing the HUD
- GameObject class / Assigning scripts to objects
- GameObjects
- about / GameObjects
- GameObjects;about / GameObjects
- GameOver() function / Win sequence approach, Triggering the win
- GameOver()in function / Triggering the win
- game title
- adding / Adding the game title
- GUI Texture formats / GUITexture formats
- GUI Texture object, creating / Creating the GUITexture object
- game view, Unity interface
- about / The Game view, Summaryunity interfacegame viewgame view, Unity interfaceabout
- generate colliders / modeling applicationsmodels, settingsmodels, modelling applicationaboutMeshes
- generate lightmap UVs / modeling applicationsmodels, settingsmodels, modelling applicationaboutMeshes
- generator object / Lighting inside with Baked-Only Point Lights
- GetButtonDown() command / Instantiate restriction and object tidying
- GetComponent
- about / GetComponent
- GetComponent() / GetComponent
- GetComponent() command / Moving the character, Instantiating the coconut, Activating coconut throw
- GetComponent command / Implementing Translate
- GetStreamProgressForLevel command / Displaying streamed loading progress
- global illumination / Preparing for lightmapping
- graphics (child), FPC object
- about / Object 2: Graphics (child)
- mesh filter / Mesh filter
- mesh renderer / Mesh Renderer
- Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) / GUITexture formats
- grass, survival island game / Step 6—The grass is always greener
- grounded variable / Checking grounded
- grouping / Grouping the environment objects
- GUILayer component, main camera (child) / GUmain camera (child), FPC objectCullingMask parameterILayer and Flare Layer
- GUI scripting class / Writing on screen with GUIText
- guiText.enabled property / Scripting for GUIText control
- GUI Text component / Hints for the player
- GUI Texture button script / GUITexture button script
- GUI Texture component / Displaying the power cell HUD
- GUI Texture formats
- about / GUITexture formats
- GUI Texture object
- creating / Creating the GUITexture object
- GUI Textures
- layering / Layering GUITextures
- GUI Textures and Mouse Events approach
- menus, creating with / Creating the menu with GUITextures and mouse events
- play button, adding / Adding the play button
- GUI Texture button script / GUITexture button script
- scenes, loading / Loading scenes
- public variables, assigning / Assigning public variables
- button, testing / Testing the button
- instructions button, adding / Adding the instructions button
- quit button, adding / Adding the quit button
- scripts, checking with Debug commands / Checking scripts with Debug commands
- GUI usage
- textures, preparing for / Preparing textures for GUI usage
- Hand (Shortcut-Q) tool / Sandy areas
- Heads Up Display (HUD) elements / Projection mode—3D versus 2D
- height, character control / Character Controller
- heightmaps
- about / Importing and exporting heightmaps
- resolution / Setting the resolution
- Hierarchy panel / Camera Clip Planes and Fog
- hitSound variable / Using co-routines to time game elements
- HUDon() function / Enabling the HUD during runtime
- icon settings, per-platform settings
- standalone settings / Standalone
- if else statements
- C# / C#:if else statementsC#
- JavaScript / C#:if else statementsC#
- IF statement / Firing the projectile
- if statement / variable declarationaboutStoring movement information
- IgnoreCollision() code / Using IgnoreCollision() code
- IgnoreCollision() command / Using IgnoreCollision() code
- Input button / Firing the projectile
- Input class / Checking for player input
- inspector
- working with / Working with the Inspector
- layers / Layers
- and prefabs / Prelayers, inspectoraboutfabs and the Inspector
- inspector, Unity interface
- about / The Inspector
- Inspector panel / Creating the projectile prefab
- instantiate()
- using, to spawn objects / Using Instantiate() to spawn objects
- Rigidbody, force adding to / Adding a force to the Rigidbody, instantiate()Rigidbody, force adding toRigidbody physicsforce, addingSummary
- Instantiate() / Creating the win object
- Instantiate() command / Utilizing instantiation
- instantiation
- utilizing / Utilizing instantiation
- instructions button
- adding / Adding the instructions button
- int (integer) / Variable data types
- intege (int) / Variables in C#
- inter-script communication
- about / Inter-script communication and Dot Syntax
- Internet Relay Chat (IRC) channel / Further scripting
- interpolate, Rigidbody component / The Rigidbody component
- Inventory script / Creating the power cell script, Adding Trigger Collision Detection, Adding the power generator
- is kinematic, Rigidbody component / The Rigidbody component
- island
- duplicating / Duplicating the island
- environment objects, grouping / Grouping the environment objects
- scene, duplicating / Duplicating the scene
- shot, framing / Framing the shot
- island, survival island game
- creating / Creating the island—sun, sea, and sand
- terrain, setting up / Step 1—Setting up the terrain
- outline, creating / Step 2—Creating the Island outline
- volcano, creating / Step 3—Volcano!
- textures, adding / Step 4—Adding textures
- procedure, painting / Painting procedure
- sandy areas / Sandy areas
- Grass & Rock texture / Grass
- volcanoes / Volcanoes rock!
- add tree dialog / Step 5—Tree time
- tree / Step 5—Tree time
- grass / Step 6—The grass is always greener
- lights, types / Step 7—Let there be lights!
- directional light / Step 7—Let there be lights!
- point light / Step 7—Let there be lights!
- spot light / Step 7—Let there be lights!
- sunlight, creating / Creating sunlight
- 2D versus 3D sound / Sounds—2D versus 3D
- audio file formats / Audio file formats
- books asset package, importing / Importing the book's asset package
- further audio, settings / Further audio settings
- skybox / Step 9—Look, there! Up in the skybox!
- pro water package / Step 10—Open water
- JavaScript behaviour, scripting
- about / What's inside a new Javascript behaviour
- JavaScript, variables / Variables in Javascript
- comments / Comments
- jumping, character motor (script) / Character Motor (Script)
- / Sharing on
- Launcher child object / Creating the Launcher object
- Launcher object
- creating / Creating the Launcher object
- layers, inspector
- about / Layers, Prelayers, inspectoraboutfabs and the Inspector
- Lerp
- about / Game win sequence
- animating with / Animating with linear interpolation (Lerp)
- animations, adjusting / Adjusting animations
- win sequence, storing / Storing the win sequence
- Level of Detail (LOD) / Terrain Settings
- lighmapping
- scene, baking / Baking the scene
- lightFire() function / Triggering the win
- LightFire() function / Signifying Inventory usage
- lighting, prototyping environment
- adding / scene, prototyping environmentsettingprototyping environmentscene, settingAdding simple lighting, prototyping environmentlighting, addinglighting, prototyping environmentaddingAnother brick in the wall
- lightmapping
- about / Lightmapping
- 3D objects, creating / Lightmapping
- preparing for / Preparing for lightmapping
- outpost game object / The outpost and generator
- outpost, lighting inside / Lighting inside the outpost
- mesh lighting, self illuminated shader used / Lighting a mesh with a Self Illuminated shader
- baked-only point lights, used for lighting / Lighting inside with Baked-Only Point Lights
- coconut shy / The coconut shy
- campfire / The campfire
- baking / Baking the lightmap
- URL / Baking the scene
- lightmapping, baking
- ambient lighting / Ambient lighting
- lights, including / Including lights
- excluding from / Excluding from the bake
- lightmapping, sections
- object / Lightmapping overview
- bake / Lightmapping overview
- maps / Lightmapping overview
- Linear Interpolation method / Game win sequence
- LoadAnim() function / Storing and instantiating the Loading GUI
- LoadLevel() function / Loading scenes
- local position / Parent-child issues
- local rotation / Parent-child issues
- local space
- versus world space / Local space versus world space
- local variables / scriptingcamera, movingpublic variablescamera, movingLocal, private, and public variables
- and receiving input / Local variables and receiving input
- lockedSound variable / Scripting for GUIText control
- log pile
- adding / Adding the log pile
- loop / Using arrays and loops for commands on multiple objects
- Loop field / Setting up the outpost model
- Lower Terrain tool / Hills, troughs, and texture blending
- main camera (child), FPC object
- about / Object 3: Main Camera (child)
- camera / Camera
- ClearFlags / Camera
- background color / Camera
- normalized view port rect / Camera
- clipping planes (near/far) / Camera
- Fieldofview / Camera
- orthographic and orthographic size / Camera
- depth parameter / Camera
- CullingMask parameter / Camera, GUmain camera (child), FPC objectCullingMask parameterILayer and Flare Layer
- GUILayer component / GUmain camera (child), FPC objectCullingMask parameterILayer and Flare Layer
- Flare Layer component / GUmain camera (child), FPC objectCullingMask parameterILayer and Flare Layer
- MouseLook(Script) component / Mouse Look (Script)
- audio listener / Audio listener
- mass, Rigidbody component / The Rigidbody component
- master brick, prototyping environment
- building / Building the master brick
- snapping / And snap!—It's a row
- vertex snapping / And snap!—It's a row
- Match Collection Script
- writing / Writing the Match Collection script
- MatchGUI texture file / Creating the matches GUI
- MatchPickup() function / Collecting the matches
- materials / Materials, textures, and shaders
- materials section, modeling application
- about / Materials
- max size option / Preparing textures for GUI usage
- menu, creating
- with GUI textures and mouse events / Creating the menu with GUITextures and mouse events
- with Unity GUI class and GUI Skins approach / Creating the menu with the Unity GUI class and GUI skins
- menuPage variable string / Creating menu pages
- menus
- about / Interfaces and menus
- mesh collider / Collision detection, modeling applicationsmodels, settingsmodels, modelling applicationaboutMeshes, Adding colliders
- meshes / Polygons, edges, vertices, and meshes
- meshes section, FBX importer
- about / modeling applicationsmodels, settingsmodels, modelling applicationaboutMeshes
- scale factor / modeling applicationsmodels, settingsmodels, modelling applicationaboutMeshes
- mesh compression / modeling applicationsmodels, settingsmodels, modelling applicationaboutMeshes
- generate colliders / modeling applicationsmodels, settingsmodels, modelling applicationaboutMeshes
- swap UVs / modeling applicationsmodels, settingsmodels, modelling applicationaboutMeshes
- generate lightmap UVs / modeling applicationsmodels, settingsmodels, modelling applicationaboutMeshes
- mesh filter, graphics (child)
- about / Mesh filter
- mesh particle emitter
- about / Particle Emitter
- settings / Particle Emitter
- mesh renderer, graphics (child)
- about / Mesh Renderer
- mini-game
- making / Making the mini-game
- coconut prefab, creating / Creating the coconut prefab
- textured coconut, creating / Creating the textured coconut
- physics, adding / Adding physics
- prefab, saving as / Saving as a prefab
- launcher object, creating / Creating the Launcher object
- coconuts, scripting to throw / Scripting to throw coconuts
- player input, checking for / Checking for player input
- feedback sound, playing / Playing feedback sound
- coconut, instantiating / Instantiating the coconut
- instances, naming / Naming instances
- velocity, assigning / Assigning velocity
- velodevelopment safeguards, adding / Adding development safeguards
- component presence, ensuring / Ensuring component presence
- collisions, safeguarding / Safeguarding collisions
- IgnoreCollision() code, using / Using IgnoreCollision() code
- collisions, ignoring with layers / Ignoring collisions with layers
- audio source component, including / Including the Audio Source component, Including the Audio Source component
- object tidying, instantiating / Instantiate restriction and object tidying
- restriction, instantiating / Instantiate restriction and object tidying
- coconut throw, activating / Activating coconut throw
- throwing mat trigger script, writing / Writing the throwing mat trigger script
- coconut shy shack, adding / Adding the coconut shy shack
- import, settings / Import settings
- throwing mat trigger, creating / Creating the throwing mat trigger
- coconuts, removing / Removing coconuts
- coconut collisions / Targets and coconut collisions
- FBXImporter component / Targets and coconut collisions
- Animations component / Targets and coconut collisions
- placement / Placement
- automatic animation, disabling / Disabling automatic animation
- Rigidbodies, adding to moving parts / Adding Rigidbodies to moving parts
- coconut collision detection script, writing / Writing the Coconut collision detection script
- variables, establishing / Establishing variables, Collision detection
- co-routines, using to time game elements / Using co-routines to time game elements
- script, assigning / Assigning the script
- targets, creating / Creating more targets
- game, winning / Winning the game
- variables, setting up / Setting up variables
- win, checking for / Checking for a win
- script assignment / Script assignment
- target count, incrementing / Incrementing and decrementing target count
- target count, decrementing / Incrementing and decrementing target count
- target count, adding to / Adding to the target count
- target count, subtracting from / Subtracting from the target count
- crosshair, adding / Adding the crosshair
- crosshair GUI Texture, toggling / Toggling the crosshair GUI Texture
- player, informing / Informing the player
- MinimumX/MaximumX, mouse look (script) / Mouse Look (Script)
- MinimumY/MaximumY, mouse look (script) / Mouse Look (Script)
- MinMoveDistance, character control / Character Controller
- modeling applications
- about / External modeling applications
- models, settings / Common settings for models, modeling applicationsmodels, settingsmodels, modelling applicationaboutMeshes
- meshes section / modeling applicationsmodels, settingsmodels, modelling applicationaboutMeshes
- normals and tangents / Normals and Tangents
- split tangents / Normals and Tangents
- materials section / Materials
- animations section / Animations, modeling applicationsanimations sectionAnimation Compression
- animation compression section / modeling applicationsanimations sectionAnimation Compression
- models, modelling application
- about / Common settings for models, modeling applicationsmodels, settingsmodels, modelling applicationaboutMeshes
- Monobehaviour class / Scripts
- mouse look (script), First Person Controller (parent)
- axes / Mouse Look (Script)
- SensitivityX/SensitivityY / Mouse Look (Script)
- MinimumX/MaximumX / Mouse Look (Script)
- MinimumY/MaximumY / Mouse Look (Script)
- MouseLook(Script) component, main camera (child) / Mouse Look (Script)
- Move command / Scripting for character movement
- moveDirection variable / variable declarationaboutStoring movement information, Checking grounded
- movement, character motor (script) / Character Motor (Script)
- moveSpeed variable / Assigning scripts to objects
- moving platform, character motor (script) / Character Motor (Script)
- Name parameter / Scripting to throw coconuts
- NewBehaviourScript / What's inside a new C# behaviour
- normals, modeling application
- about / Normals and Tangents
- Null Reference Exception
- about / Dot Syntax
- C# / Dot Syntax
- JavaScript / Dot Syntax
- Null Reference Exception error / Testing the script
- objects
- spawning, instantiate() used / Using Instantiate() to spawn objects
- object space / Local space versus world space
- OnCollisionEnter() function / Using co-routines to time game elements
- OnControllerColliderHit() function / Playing animation, Using arrays and loops for commands on multiple objects
- OnGUI() button / Scripting button actions
- OnGUI() function / The OnGUI() function, Resolution-independent positioning, Quit button platform automation
- OnMouseDown() function / OnMouseDown()
- OnMouseUp() function / GUITexture button script
- OnTriggerEnter() function / Scripting for trigger collisions, Creating the power cell script, Adding Trigger Collision Detection, Restricting door access with a cell counter, Disabling the HUD for game start, Switching lights and removing the HUD, Activating coconut throw, Toggling the crosshair GUI Texture
- OnTriggerExit() function / Activating coconut throw, Toggling the crosshair GUI Texture
- OpenDoor / Working with OnControllerColliderHit
- OpenDoor() custom function, collision detection
- about / OpenDoor() custom function
- declaring / Declaring the function
- door status, checking / Checking door status
- audio, playing / Playing audio
- script, testing / Testing the script
- OpenDoor() function / Checking door status, Code maintainability
- OTF (OpenType font) / Using fonts
- outpost, opening
- about / Opening the outpost
- collision detection / Approach 1—Collision detection, Creatioutpost, openingcollision detectionng new assets
- ray casting / Approach 2—Ray casting
- trigger collision detection / Approach 3—Trigger collision detection
- outpost access
- restricting / Restricting outpost access
- door access, restricting with cell counter / Restricting door access with a cell counter
- outpost game object / The outpost and generator
- outpost model
- setting up / Setting up the outpost model
- adding / Adding the outpost
- positioning / Positioning, Rotoutpost modelpositioningation
- rotation / Rotoutpost modelpositioningation
- colliders, adding / Adding colliders, Addinoutpost modelcolliders, addingg the Rigidbody
- Rigidbody, adding / Addinoutpost modelcolliders, addingg the Rigidbody
- audio, adding / Adding audio
- automatic animation, disabling / Disabling automatic animation
- outPost object / Scattering power cells, Preparing for lightmapping
- paint details tool / Paint Details
- paint height tool / Paint height
- Paint Height tool / Positioning, Keep on the right path
- paint texture tool / Paint Texture
- Paint Texture tool / Hills, troughs, and texture blending
- parent-child relationship / Deconstructing the First Person Controller object
- parent-child relationships
- about / Local space versus world space
- particle animator
- about / Particle Animator
- particle emitter
- about / Particle Emitter
- ellipsoid particle emitter / Particle Emitter
- mesh particle emitter / Particle Emitter
- settings / Particle Emitter
- particle renderer
- about / Particle Renderer
- particle system
- about / What is a particle system?
- particle emitter / What is a particle system?
- particle animator / What is a particle system?
- particle renderer / What is a particle system?
- task, creating / Creating the task
- assets / Assets involved
- log pile, adding / Adding the log pile
- campfire particle systems, creating / Creating the campfire particle systems
- positioning / Positioning the particle system
- ellipsoid emitter, settings / Ellipsoid Particle Emitter settings particle systemellipsoid emitter, settings
- particle animator, settings / Particle Animator settingsparticle systemparticle animator, settings
- URL / Particle Animator settingsparticle systemparticle animator, settings
- per-platform settings, player settings
- resolution and presentation settings / Resolution and Presentation
- icon setting / Icon
- splash image setting / Splash Image
- other settings / Other Settings
- web player settings / Web Player
- standalone settings / Standalone
- Per Material / Materials
- Per Texture / Materials
- physics
- adding / Adding physics
- Physics.Raycast() function / Casting the ray
- pixelInset property / Scaling for various resolutions
- pixel light count / Quality Settings
- Place Trees button / Positioning trees
- place trees tool / Place Trees
- platform / Quit button platform automation
- platform property / Quit button platform automation
- Play Automatically checkbox / Disabling automatic animation
- Play button / Extending colliders
- PlayClipAtPoint() command / Creating the win object
- player
- hints / Hints for the player
- on screen with GUI Text, writing / Writing on screen with GUIText
- GUI Text control, scripting / Scripting for GUIText control
- hints, adding / Adjusting hints to show progress
- fonts, using / Using fonts
- positioning / Positioning the player
- Player Collisions (script) component / Testing the script
- PlayerCollisions, ray casting
- about / Tidying PlayerCollisions
- C# / Tidying PlayerCollisions
- JavaScript / Tidying PlayerCollisions
- PlayerCollisions, trigger collision detection
- removing / Removing PlayerCollisionstrigger collision detectiontrigger collisions, scriptingtrigger collision detectiontrigger collisions, scriptingtrigger collisions, trigger collision detectionscripting for
- PlayerCollisions script / Disabling collision detection with comments
- player input settings
- about / Player Input settings
- player inventory
- writing / Writing the Player Inventory
- charge value, saving / Saving the charge value
- variable start value, setting / Setting the variable start value
- audio feedback / Audio feedback
- CellPickup() function, adding / Adding the CellPickup() function
- inventory, adding to player / Adding the Inventory to the player
- player settings
- about / Player Settings
- cross-platform settings / Cross-Platform Settings
- per-platform settings / Per-Platform Settings
- PlayOneShot / Playing audio
- PlayOneShot command / Playing audio
- PNG (Portable Network Graphics ) format / Displaying the power cell HUD
- point light / Step 7—Let there be lights!
- Point Light object / Lighting inside with Baked-Only Point Lights
- polygon count / Polygons, edges, vertices, and meshes
- polygons / Polygons, edges, vertices, and meshes
- Portable Network Graphics (PNG) / GUITexture formats
- Position.y property / Creating and animating the Loading GUI
- Positive parameter / Scripting to throw coconuts
- powerCell / Making the mini-game
- power cell HUD
- displaying / Displaying the power cell HUD
- GUI textures, import settings / Import settings for GUI textures
- GUI Texture object, creating / Creating the GUITexture object
- power GUI texture, positioning / Positioning the PowerGUI texture
- texture swap, scripting for / Scripting for texture swap
- powerCell object / Tagging the power cell
- power cell prefab
- creating / Creating the power cell prefab
- puzzle, creating / Downloading, importing, and placing
- tagging / Tagging the power cell
- collider, scaling / Collider scaling and rotation
- collider, rotating / Collider scaling and rotation
- enlarging / Enlarging the power cell
- trigger collider, adding / Adding a trigger collider
- collider scale / Collider scale
- Rigidbody, adding / Adding the Rigidbody
- power cell script, creating / Creating the power cell script
- rotation, adding / Adding rotation
- trigger collision detection, adding / Adding Trigger Collision Detection
- prefab, saving / Saving as a prefab
- power cells, scattering / Scattering power cells
- power cells
- scattering / Scattering power cells
- power cell script, creating / Creating the power cell script
- power variable / Wall attack
- prefab / Saving as a prefab
- prefab, saving / Saving as a prefab
- prefab instance / Utilizing instantiation
- prefabs
- about / scriptsaboutUnity conceptsscriptsPrefabs
- storing with / Storing with prefabs
- prefabs, inspector
- about / Prelayers, inspectoraboutfabs and the Inspector, Anatprefabs, inspectoraboutomy of a character
- primitive collider / Collision detection, Adding colliders
- private variables / scriptingcamera, movingpublic variablescamera, movingLocal, private, and public variables
- versus public variables / Public versus private variables
- declaring / Declaring public and private variables
- projectile
- creating / Making a projectile
- prefab, creating / Creating the projectile prefab
- material, creating / Creating and applying a material
- applying, creating / Creating and applying a material
- physics, adding with Rigidbody / Adding physics with a Rigidbody
- firing / Firing the projectile
- project window, Unity interface
- about / The Project window
- Project Wizard / Your first Unity project
- prototyping environment
- about / A basic prototyping environment
- scene, setting / Setting the scene, scene, prototyping environmentsettingprototyping environmentscene, settingAdding simple lighting
- lighting, adding / scene, prototyping environmentsettingprototyping environmentscene, settingAdding simple lighting, prototyping environmentlighting, addinglighting, prototyping environmentaddingAnother brick in the wall
- master brick, building / Building the master brick
- empty objects, duplicating / Grouping and duplicating with empty objects
- empty objects, grouping / Grouping and duplicating with empty objects
- viewpoint, setting / Setting the viewpoint
- pro version, Unity / Free versus Pro
- pro water package, survival island game
- about / Step 10—Open water
- public testing
- frame rate feedback / Frame rate feedback
- performance, optimizing / Optimizing performance
- public testing;about / Public testing
- public variables / scriptingcamera, movingpublic variablescamera, movingLocal, private, and public variables
- declaring / Declaring public variables, Declaring public and private variables
- C# / Declaring public variables
- Javascript / Declaring public variables
- scripts, assigning to objects / Assigning scripts to objects
- camera, moving / scriptingscripts, adding to objectsMoving the camera, scriptingcamera, movingpublic variablescamera, movingLocal, private, and public variables
- versus private variables / Public versus private variables
- assigning / Assigning public variables
- creating / Creating public variables
- quality settings
- about / Quality Settings
- Quit() command / Scripting button actions
- quit button
- adding / Adding the quit button
- radius, character control / Character Controller
- raise height tool / Raise height
- Raise Height tool / Step 2—Creating the Island outline
- Raise tool / Hills, troughs, and texture blending
- ray casting
- about / Collisions and triggers, Raytriggersabout casting, Approach 2—Ray casting, Casting the ray
- frame miss / The frame miss
- predictive collision detection / Predictive collision detection
- collision detection, disabling with comments / Disabling collision detection with comments
- Door Manager script, writing / Migrating code—writing a DoorManager script
- PlayerCollisions / Tidying PlayerCollisions
- collider, resetting / Resetting the collider
- raycasting / Layers
- Rect property / Creating the menu
- Reload() function / Win sequence approach
- removeTime float variable / Removing coconuts
- Renamer() function / GetComponent
- RequireComponent() command / Pixel-specific positioning
- RequireComponent() function / @Script commands
- RequireComponent command / Including the Audio Source component
- resolution and presentation settings, per-platform settings
- web player settings / Web Player Settings
- standalone settings / Standalone Settings
- return type, function / Return type, functionsreturn typereturn type, functionArguments
- Rigidbodies
- about / Rigidbodies
- forces / Forces
- component / The Rigidbody component
- adding, to moving parts / Adding Rigidbodies to moving parts
- Rigidbodies component
- mass / The Rigidbody component
- drag / The Rigidbody component
- angular drag / The Rigidbody component
- use gravity / The Rigidbody component
- is kematic / The Rigidbody component
- interpolate/extrapolate / The Rigidbody component
- constraints / The Rigidbody component
- Rigidbody, adding / Adding the Rigidbody
- Rigidbody, outpost model
- adding / Addinoutpost modelcolliders, addingg the Rigidbody
- Rigidbody class / Assigning scripts to objects
- Rigidbody object / Assigning scripts to objects
- Rigidbody physics
- force, adding / Adding a force to the Rigidbody, instantiate()Rigidbody, force adding toRigidbody physicsforce, addingSummary
- RigidbodyRigidbody dynamics system / Rigidbody physics
- RigidBodyRigidbody physics
- about / Rigidbody physics
- RigidbodyRigidbody dynamics system / Rigidbody physics
- collision, detecting / Collision detection
- Rotate() command / Adding rotation
- rotate tool[E] / Control toolsUnity interfacescene view
- rotation, adding / Adding rotation
- rotationAmount / Adding rotation
- rotationSpeed variable / Adding rotation
- @script command / @Script commands
- scale factor / modeling applicationsmodels, settingsmodels, modelling applicationaboutMeshes
- scale tool [R] / Control toolsUnity interfacescene view
- scene
- creating / Creating the scene
- duplicating / Duplicating the scene
- scene, prototyping environment
- setting / Setting the scene, scene, prototyping environmentsettingprototyping environmentscene, settingAdding simple lighting
- scenes;about / Scenes
- scene view
- control tools / Control toolsUnity interfacescene view
- scene view, Unity interface
- moving through / Flythrough Scene navigation
- control bar / Control bar
- search box / Search box
- create button / Create button
- Scene window / Adding colliders
- Screen.width / Resolution-independent positioning
- Screen class / Positioning
- scripting
- about / Introducing scripting
- script class / A new behaviour script or 'class'
- C# behaviour / What's inside a new C# behaviour, Basic fscriptingC# behaviourunctions
- C# behaviour, basic functions / Basic fscriptingC# behaviourunctions
- JavaScript behaviour / What's inside a new Javascript behaviour
- wall attack / Wall attack
- public variables, declaring / Declaring public variables
- scripts, adding to objects / Assigning scripts to objects, scriptingscripts, adding to objectsMoving the camera
- camera, moving / scriptingscripts, adding to objectsMoving the camera, scriptingcamera, movingpublic variablescamera, movingLocal, private, and public variables
- local variables / scriptingcamera, movingpublic variablescamera, movingLocal, private, and public variables
- private variables / scriptingcamera, movingpublic variablescamera, movingLocal, private, and public variables
- public variables / scriptingcamera, movingpublic variablescamera, movingLocal, private, and public variables
- local variables, in C# / Local variables and receiving input
- local variables, in javaScript / Local variables and receiving input
- scripts
- about / Scripts, scriptsaboutUnity conceptsscriptsPrefabs
- script testing, collision detection
- about / Testing the script
- colliders, extending / Extending colliders
- animation, playing / Playing animation
- procedure, reversing / Reversing the procedure
- code, maintainability / Code maintainability
- collision detection, drawbacks / Drawbacks of collision detection
- search box, scene view
- about / Search box
- self illuminated shader
- about / Preparing for lightmapping
- SendMessage
- about / SendMessage
- SendMessage() / Adding the CellPickup() function
- SendMessage() command / SendMessage
- SendMessage() function / Casting the ray, Scripting for GUIText control, Collecting the matches
- SensitivityX/SensitivityY, mouse look (script) / Mouse Look (Script)
- Set button / Your first Unity project
- shader / Materials, textures, and shaders
- shadow distance / Quality Settings
- shadow resolution / Quality Settings
- shadows / Quality Settings
- ShowHint() function / Informing the player
- ShutDoor() / Reversing the procedure
- ShutDoor() function / Reversing the procedure
- ShutDoor(currentDoor) function / Code maintainability
- SkinWidth, character control / Character Controller
- skybox, survival island game
- about / Step 9—Look, there! Up in the skybox!
- applying / Step 9—Look, there! Up in the skybox!
- sliding, character motor (script) / Character Motor (Script)
- SlopeLimit, character control / Character Controller
- smoke, campfire particle systems
- blowing / Blowing smoke!
- ellipsoid particle emitter, settings / Ellipsoid Particle Emitter settings
- particle animator, settings / Particle Animator settings
- particle renderer, settings / Particle Renderer settings
- positioning / Positioning
- smooth height tool / Smooth Height
- Smooth Height tool / Step 2—Creating the Island outline
- Smooth Height tool / Life's a beach, Keep on the right path
- snapping / And snap!—It's a row
- soft vegetation / Quality Settings
- sound, survival island game
- about / Step 8—What's that sound?
- 2D versus 3D / Sounds—2D versus 3D
- audio file formats / Audio file formats
- books asset package, importing / Importing the book's asset package
- audio settings / Further audio settings
- SpawnEnemy() function / functionscustom function, declaringCalling a custom function
- SpawnEnemy function / SendMessage
- spawning
- about / Utilizing instantiation
- spawnTrans argument / functionscustom function, declaringCalling a custom function
- speed variable / variable declarationaboutStoring movement information, Animating with linear interpolation (Lerp)
- sphere collider / Collision detection
- splash image settings, per-platform settings
- standalone settings / Standalone
- Splatmap / Setting the resolution
- spot light / Step 7—Let there be lights!
- Start() command / Removing coconuts
- Start() function / Basic fscriptingC# behaviourunctions, Declaring public variables, Find() and FindWithTag(), Working with OnControllerColliderHit, Setting the variable start value, Removing coconuts, Resolution-independent positioning, Scaling for various resolutions
- static (global) functions / Further scripting
- StepOffset, character control / Character Controller
- store in nodes method / Animations
- store in original roots method / Animations
- store in root method / Animations
- String (js) / string (c#) / Variable data types
- sunlight, survival island game
- creating / Creating sunlight
- survival island game
- designing / Designing the game
- terrain editor, using / Using the terrain editor
- terrain menu, features / Terrain menu features
- heightmaps, importing / Importing and exporting heightmaps
- heightmaps, exporting / Importing and exporting heightmaps
- resolution, setting / Setting the resolution
- place trees / Mass place trees
- heightmap, falttening / Flatten Heightmap
- refresh tree and detail prototypes / Refresh tree and detail prototypes
- terrain toolset / The terrain toolset
- terrain script tool / Terrain Script
- raise height tool / Raise height
- paint height tool / Paint height
- smooth height tool / Smooth Height
- paint texture tool / Paint Texture
- place trees tool / Place Trees
- paint details tool / Paint Details
- terrain settings tool / Terrain Settings
- swap UVs / modeling applicationsmodels, settingsmodels, modelling applicationaboutMeshes
- sync to VBL / Quality Settings
- Tag drop-down menu / Tags
- Tag Manager / Tags
- tags
- about / Tags
- list / Tags
- tags, inspector
- about / Tags
- Tag Manager / Tags
- tangents, modeling application
- about / Normals and Tangents
- target count
- incrementing / Incrementing and decrementing target count
- decrementing / Incrementing and decrementing target count
- adding to / Adding to the target count
- subtracting from / Subtracting from the target count
- targetRoot / Establishing variables
- targetRoot private variable / Establishing variables
- targets
- creating / Creating more targets
- targets variable / Checking for a win
- terrain
- trees, positioning / Positioning trees
- hill and troughs, adding / Hills, troughs, and texture blending
- player path / Keep on the right path
- Terrain (Script) component / Terrain Script, Positioning trees
- terrain, island demo project
- outline / Step 2—Creating the Island outline
- terrain, survival island game
- setting up / Step 1—Setting up the terrain
- Terrain Assets package / Step 5—Tree time, Step 6—The grass is always greener
- terrain editor
- terrain menu, features / Terrain menu features
- terrain, toolset / The terrain toolset
- island, creating / Creating the island—sun, sea, and sand
- Terrain Height / Setting the resolution
- Terrain Length / Setting the resolution
- terrain menu, features
- about / Terrain menu features
- heightmaps, importing / Importing and exporting heightmaps
- heightmaps, exporting / Importing and exporting heightmaps
- resolution, setting / Setting the resolution
- place trees / Mass place trees
- heightmap, flattening / Flatten Heightmap
- refresh tree and detail prototypes / Refresh tree and detail prototypes
- Terrain object / Positioning trees
- terrain script tool / Terrain Script
- terrain settings tool / Terrain Settings
- terrain toolset, survival island game
- about / The terrain toolset
- terrain script tool / Terrain Script
- raise height tool / Raise height
- paint height tool / Paint height
- smooth height tool / Smooth Height
- paint texture tool / Paint Texture
- place trees tool / Place Trees
- paint details tool / Paint Details
- terrain settings tool / Terrain Settings
- Terrain Width / Setting the resolution
- testing
- public testing / Public testing
- TextHints script / Scripting for GUIText control
- textured coconut
- creating / Creating the textured coconut
- texture quality / Quality Settings
- textures / Materials, textures, and shaders
- for menu creation / Interfaces and menus
- preparing, for GUI usage / Preparing textures for GUI usage
- using, for GUI button backgrounds / Using textures for GUI button backgrounds
- textures, survival island game
- adding / Step 4—Adding textures
- painting, procedure / Painting procedure
- sandy areas / Sandy areas
- grass and rock texture / Grass
- volcanoes rock / Volcanoes rock!
- theObject argument / Collision detection
- throwing mat trigger script
- writing / Writing the throwing mat trigger script
- creating / Creating the throwing mat trigger
- Time.deltaTime / Reversing the procedure, Adding rotation
- Trail Renderer component / Trail Renderer component
- Transform (Shortcut-W) tool / Sandy areas
- transform, First Person Controller (parent)
- about / TransforFirst Person Controller (parent), FPC objectaboutm
- transform.FindChild() command / Scripting for trigger collisions
- transform.position / Adding the CellPickup() function
- Transform component / scene, prototyping environmentsettingprototyping environmentscene, settingAdding simple lighting, Rotoutpost modelpositioningation, Lighting inside with Baked-Only Point Lights
- TransformDirection command / Adding a force to the Rigidbody, variable declarationaboutStoring movement information
- transformDirection command / Assigning velocity
- Transform tool / Positioning
- translate
- about / Understanding Translate
- implementing / Implementing Translate
- script check / Tetranslatescript checksting the game so far
- Translate tool (W) / And snap!—It's a row, Creating the projectile prefab, Adding the outpost, Downloading, importing, and placing, Positioning the player
- translate tool [W] / Control toolsUnity interfacescene view
- tree, survival island game / Step 5—Tree time
- Tree Density / Place Trees
- trees
- positioning / Positioning trees
- Tree Width/Height / Place Trees
- Tree Width/Height Variation / Place Trees
- trigger collider, adding / Adding a trigger collider
- trigger collision detection
- about / Approach 3—Trigger collision detection
- trigger zone, creating / Creating and scaling the trigger zone
- trigger zone, scaling / Creating and scaling the trigger zone
- trigger collisions, scripting / Scripting for trigger collisions, Removing PlayerCollisionstrigger collision detectiontrigger collisions, scriptingtrigger collision detectiontrigger collisions, scriptingtrigger collisions, trigger collision detectionscripting for
- PlayerCollisions script, removing / Removing PlayerCollisionstrigger collision detectiontrigger collisions, scriptingtrigger collision detectiontrigger collisions, scriptingtrigger collisions, trigger collision detectionscripting for
- trigger collision detection, adding / Adding Trigger Collision Detection
- trigger collisions, trigger collision detection
- scripting for / Scripting for trigger collisions, Removing PlayerCollisionstrigger collision detectiontrigger collisions, scriptingtrigger collision detectiontrigger collisions, scriptingtrigger collisions, trigger collision detectionscripting for
- trigger mode / Collisions and triggers
- triggers
- about / Collisions and triggers, Raytriggersabout casting
- TriggerZone / Scripting for trigger collisions
- trigger zone, trigger collision detection
- creating / Creating and scaling the trigger zone
- scaling / Creating and scaling the trigger zone
- TriggerZone script / Scripting for GUIText control
- true argument / Code maintainability
- TTF (TrueType font) / Using fonts
- Tweening / Creating keyframes
- Unity concepts
- about / Essential Unity concepts
- Unity way, example / The Unity way—an example
- assets / Assets
- scenes / Scenes
- GameObjects / GameObjects
- components / Components
- scripts / Scripts, scriptsaboutUnity conceptsscriptsPrefabs
- prefabs / scriptsaboutUnity conceptsscriptsPrefabs
- Unity GUI class and GUI Skins approach
- game objects, disabling / Disabling game objects
- menu, creating / Creating the menu
- public variables, creating / Creating public variables
- OnGUI() function / The OnGUI() function
- GUIs, positioning / Positioning for GUIs
- pixel-specific positioning / Pixel-specific positioning
- GUI buttons, styling / Styling GUI buttons with a GUI skin
- textures, using for GUI button backgrounds / Using textures for GUI button backgrounds
- font size, selecting for GUI buttons / Choosing font size for GUI buttons
- resolution-independent positioning / Resolution-independent positioning
- button actions, scripting / Scripting button actions
- instructions page, adding / Adding the Instructions page
- menu pages, creating / Creating menu pages
- unity interface
- game view / Summaryunity interfacegame viewgame view, Unity interfaceabout
- Unity interface
- about / The interface
- hierarchy / The Scene view and Hierarchy
- scene view / The Scene view and Hierarchy, Control toolsUnity interfacescene view
- control tools / Control toolsUnity interfacescene view
- inspector / The Inspector
- project window / The Project window
- game view / The Game view
- Unity project
- about / Your first Unity project
- Unity way
- example / The Unity way—an example
- Unity web player
- URL, for downloading / Web Player
- Update() function
- about / functionsaboutUpdate()
- C# / functionsaboutUpdate()
- JavaScript / functionsaboutUpdate()
- use fixed update, character motor (script) / Character Motor (Script)
- use gravity, Rigidbody component / The Rigidbody component
- variable, data types
- float (floating point) / Variable data types
- String (js) / string (c#) / Variable data types
- int (integer) / Variable data types
- boolean (js) / bool (c#) / Variable data types
- Vector3 / Variable data types
- variable declaration
- about / Variable declaration, variable declarationaboutStoring movement information
- movement information, storing / variable declarationaboutStoring movement information
- character, moving / Moving the character
- @Script commands / @Script commands
- variables
- about / Variables
- data types / Variable data types
- using / Using variables
- public versus private variables / Public versus private variables
- private variables, declaring / Declaring public and private variables
- public variables, declaring / Declaring public and private variables
- establishing / Establishing variables
- targetRoot private variable / Establishing variables
- setting up / Setting up variables
- Vector3 / Variable data types
- vertex snapping / And snap!—It's a row
- viewpoint, prototyping environment
- setting / Setting the viewpoint
- volcano
- about / Volcano!
- smoke material, creating / Making the smoke material
- audio, adding / Adding audio to the volcano
- testing / Volcano testing
- volcano, survival island game
- about / Step 3—Volcano!
- Volcano Smoke object / Positioning the particle system
- wall attack, scripting / Wall attack
- Water (basic) assets package / Step 10—Open water
- web player builds
- <head>-web JavaScript / The <head>—web JavaScript
- <head> code, simplifying / Making the <head> code portable
- web player plugin
- about / Web Player
- web player streamed / Web Player Streamed
- widgets / OSX Dashboard Widget
- Win Object
- creating / Creating the win object
- win sequence
- stages / Game win sequence
- Lerp method / Game win sequence
- about / Game win sequence
- approach / Win sequence approach
- win, trigerring / Triggering the win
- win messages, creating / Creating the game win messages
- creating / Creating the game win messages, Grouping GUITextures for optimized instantiation
- GUI elements, positioning / Positioning win sequence GUI elements
- GUI Textures, grouping for optimized instantiation / Grouping GUITextures for optimized instantiation
- Lerp, animating with / Animating with linear interpolation (Lerp)
- Win Object, creating / Creating the win object
- animation panel, using / Creating the Fader and using the Animation panel
- Fader, creating / Creating the Fader and using the Animation panel
- loading / Loading the win sequence
- GUI Textures, layering / Layering GUITextures
- example / Challenge—fading in the Island scene
- win_message / Creating the game win messages
- win_survival / Creating the game win messages
- win_youWin / Creating the game win messages
- world space
- versus local space / Local space versus world space
- yield command / Creating the win object
- Z-axis / Coordinates
- Z Position / Layering GUITextures