Setting up your installation
In this section, we'll download and install Elasticsearch, Kibana, and the X-Pack.
Downloading the software
Downloading the binaries is pretty straightforward; you just need to get on the Elastic website on the following pages:
- For Elasticsearch: On this page, you will find the current GA version, which might be a 5.x by the time you read this book. In my case, I'll download 5.0.0-alpha4:
Elasticsearch 5.0.0-alpha4 download page
- For Kibana: As for Elasticsearch, I'm going to download 5.0.0-alpha4:
Kibana 5.0.0-alpha4 download page
I recommend that you move the downloaded file to the same folder. In my case, I've moved everything to the /Users/Bahaaldine/packt
pc55:packt bahaaldine$ pwd /Users/bahaaldine/packt pc55:packt bahaaldine$ ls elasticsearch-5.0.0-alpha4.tar.gz kibana-5.0.0-alpha4-darwin- x64.tar.gz
You can now proceed to both...